#Think 'wearing revealing clothing = asking to be raped' type thinking
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zombieplaguedoc ¡ 3 months ago
TW: Discussion Of Possible Religious Trauma
Being indoctrinated with toxic views and thinking growing up in a cult counts as religious trauma, right? Or does that not count?
Antis pls dni, this is not aimed at you
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pawberri ¡ 1 year ago
tysm for your posts regarding child safety it's very upsetting how much victims are blamed and how often dangerous behaviour isn't seen as genuine concern just because a bunch of adults decide they don't want to care and that children being on the internet is Bad and Annoying because theyre put in danger rather than focusing on the issues of the internet as it currently exists/how communities form around it and creating real support spaces for victims that arent Just fetishizing of the very trauma theyre struggling with
it gets hard to talk about and feel understood because the "stop caring im not responsible for kids" type of people are so often vocal and praised for that lack of real care your commitment to talking about such and showing Proving genuine focus on how to help those who have been abused is uplifting and very helpful people like you give me hope i will be listened to and cared for, that those who do care are plentiful and just not as loud
ty a hundred, and apologies if this is a lot - feel no pressure to 'answer' such an ask, just intending to express the appreciation
I've been seeing it repeated so much and it's so stressful and frustrating. People generally have given up giving general advice on how not to be raped or abused as an adult because most leftists understand that these problems are so complex there isn't an easy guide to avoiding it. We talk about victim blaming and how much of it is random chance, but somehow people can't apply that same logic to children. They give advice that is basically as useful as "don't wear revealing clothes" and act like it's at all useful. It amazes me how people in the replies of the one post I reblogged are acting like NOT BEING GROOMED somehow makes them experts on grooming. They have no understanding that luck and circumstance play a huge fucking role. If you have never experienced this, never researched it, never cared about it beyond generally disliking pedophiles as a concept, I beg you to fuck off and shut up about how to avoid grooming.
Like look at these comments and imagine someone with the same politics as these people saying it about rape or abusive relationships.
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Saying "don't be a target" as if children are the masters of their own fate. Same with saying "my generation knew better!" or "lol just block people" or any other callous, self-assured bullshit. It's like telling someone who got lured into abuse by someone they trusted that they should have just carried pepper spray. It's worthless.
Let me say
1. If you were groomed it was not your fault, even if you put your age in your bio
2. If you were not groomed and did not have your age in your bio, you have not discovered the secret to not getting groomed
3. Many adults can tell when a 32 year old clearly knows absolutely nothing about the adult world, and children are just at an obvious intellectual and expirential disadvantage in keeping up this rouse
4. Pedophilia is not as clear-cut as people think, and many people who would willingly abuse trusting, vulnerable adults would happily move to abusing teenagers. People seeking power will manipulate you if they can, and children are easier to manipulate. Someone might start dating an extremely childlike adult and shrug off the realization they are underage because they don't give a fuck who they're getting their power fix from even if they didn't figure out they were speaking to a child.
5. Adults dating teenagers was and is extremely normalized in many parts of the world (and many subcultures) and no amount of internet privacy was ever going to save us from a broad societal message that pedophilia is just a may december romance or whatever
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mariacallous ¡ 2 years ago
In recent times, Prince Andrew has been the subject of both a televised comedy musical and a number of formal council petitions from Brits who no longer wish their street to be called Prince Andrew Drive or Prince Andrew Way. Yet, amazingly, the duke somehow still remains the most ridiculous thing about his own life. Barely a week goes by without some wince-inducing story about his comeback plans finding its well-sourced way into the news.
After many years of non-cooperation with any number of attempts to get to the bottom of her allegations against him, Andrew last year finally settled a civil claim with Virginia Giuffre, who was trafficked by the deceased paedophile financier Jeffrey Epstein. The settlement did not include any admission of guilt. Giuffre is now reported to be writing a book about her experiences with Epstein and beyond, and though her settlement with the duke would prevent her speaking out in detail about Prince Andrew, multiple articles suggest he is ready to launch a lawsuit should she mention him. “Andrew and his lawyers are ready to go on the attack,” a “source familiar with the case” told the Mail at the weekend. “Then her claims will be put under scrutiny for the first time in a court of law.” Finally! I don’t know about you but I always pay a reported £12m to settle a case out of court, when all I really want is for its claims to be heard in a court.
Then, last week, allies of the duke let it be known that “details are about to be made public which will change people’s perceptions of him”. Intriguing. Are those details … could they possibly be … a photograph subsequently published on the front page of the Daily Telegraph last Saturday? Unclear. But oh dear me, where to start on this picture, released by Ian Maxwell, the brother of Epstein’s convicted accomplice, Ghislaine?
You will almost certainly have seen this truly cursed image by now. If you somehow swerved it, however, the details are as follows. Two (mercifully clothed) adults are sitting in the bath of Ghislaine’s former Belgravia mews house, which you will recall is where Giuffre alleges she was first coerced into sexual activity with Prince Andrew. Around the faces of the two people in the photo – and I can barely believe I’m typing this, but here we are – there are elasticated laminated A4 sheets of paper, worn as masks. Think of it as Eyes Wide Shit. One mask bears the face of 17-year-old Virginia Giuffre, from the notorious original photo of her with the duke’s hand round her waist, taken in the house in question on the night in question. Odd choice – but not the oddest, let’s face it. The other figure is wearing a contemporary photo of Prince Andrew, 62, which only serves to emphasise the bizarre grossness of what the reader is being asked to behold and consider. Unbelievably, actual lawyers had something to do with this nutso line of defence, which the Telegraph chose to headline: “The photo that ‘clears Duke’ over bath sex”.
We might begin by querying whether “bath sex” is really the correct term for alleged rape of a trafficked teenager. But wait, because there’s more. The image is accompanied by quotes from Ian. I always feel I missed the point in time that the utterances of Ian Maxwell began being treated with something other than quizzical contempt. When precisely did this switcheroo happen? Anyway, here is Maxwell on the photo, which he seems to have personally staged. “I am releasing my photographs now because the truth needs to come out,” explains Ian, apparently dialling in from the Arkham Asylum of British public life. “They show conclusively that the bath is too small for any kind of sex frolicking.” Two points. One: they don’t show anything of the sort. And two: What? WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!?!
“The family have even supplied the bath’s dimensions,” gibbers the Telegraph, “revealing that the base of the bathtub measures 1,359mm by 380mm.” I’m not sure any newspaper in the land can credibly take the high ground on the lunacies of other publications. There but for the grace, and all of that. But I don’t imagine I was the only reader who saw this picture online and had to go to the source to check whether that really and truly was the actual front page. Yet it honestly was. Less of a marmalade-dropper, more of a stomach-vacater.
If that photo wasn’t the gamechanging gambit at which Andrew’s allies were hinting, perhaps it was last week’s interview with Ghislaine herself. In this, Maxwell clutched one of the visiting-room telephones at the Florida prison in which she is currently serving a 20-year-sentence for her crimes, and explained through the glass that the original photo of the duke with his arm round Giuffre (in which she herself is pictured smirking stage left) was a fake. If that was the de-smoked gun, then unfortunately all it took was for the news photographer who had originally snapped the image from a hard copy Giuffre handed him to produce his image of the back of that photo. This displays the standard developers’ date stamp. It turns out to have been an ordinary printed snap, processed at a one-hour lab at Walgreens on 13 March 2001, three days after the date on which Giuffre alleged she was first forced into sexual activity with Andrew. The news photographer had gone back through his archives after being incensed by Ghislaine’s interview last week. As he put it: “I thought, ‘here we go again’.”
And here we do seem to keep going again. Quite how long the duke will fail to realise his comeback is doomed is not clear. News that he would no longer have offices at Buckingham Palace, which is undergoing a £369m refurbishment, was tempered by hints that he would still probably be granted rooms at nearby St James’s Palace. But for what, given he appears to have nothing to do other than mount a wildly ill-advised rearguard action against deeply unsavoury claims he decided to settle?
Andrew no longer enjoys the range of confected positions that enabled him to be helicoptered between the world’s finest golf courses. Does one really need a suite of damask-walled and lavishly gilded rooms with liveried attendees for his current activities? I can’t help feeling a lock-up with a single swinging lightbulb somewhere off the M25 might be more appropriate in the circumstances. That is the only staged photo any of us wishes to see. Failing that, a silent retirement for this lifelong self-saboteur would be in all interests, including his own.
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chungking-expressions ¡ 4 years ago
THIS REVIEW IS GONNA BE PRETTY LONG SO FEEL FREE TO SKIP I have nowhere else to unload/unpack everything I liked and hated about the film, which I feel the need to immediately.
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Promising Young Woman was a promising idea given its premise of subverting rape-revenge films, a genre that could definitely use a modernized revitalization given Hollywood's current landscape and movements like #MeToo. I was particularly interested in how it would subvert the genre given that it’s directed by a woman. Whilst I think there are certain strongish elements, it was weak in terms of narrative, characterization, motives and felt like a lukewarm feminist film. Maybe my own expectations of it somewhat holding up to its critically acclaimed reputation hindered my liking as it made it even more disappointing.
The casting was great, making moments feel organic e.g. Cassie's relationship with Ryan, making his appearance in the tape even more shocking. Certain lines of dialogue such as the fact they never even mention the word rape ("we did not, you know...") and "it's every guy's fear to be accused of something like this, wanna guess what every woman's worst fear is?" (or something among the lines of this) is powerful and a clever creative choice. I think moments like these highlight just how ingrained rape culture is, the normalization of locker room chat etc.
This idea of ingrained misogyny and rape culture can also be seen through Maddie McPhee and Dean Walker, both women. They take the side of Al because Nina was drunk, highlighting another key issue within rape culture - no matter what women are always asking for it - she shouldn't have been drunk, it's not his fault. Women have been taught to not wear short and revealing clothing, not walk in alleys at night, not to get drunk/go to parties without friends etc. It's like we are supposed to take responsibility - following this notion of boys being boys.
I love the title of the film, sadly though I think it's one of my favourite things about this (besides the 2-second clip they showed of the iconic 1955 film, The Night Of The Hunter which is never a good sign) as it references the Brock Turner case as he was described as a "promising young man." It throws this notion in the face of the viewers - Cassie and Nina, were promising young women but their futures/goals of working within the medical field were completely shattered by Nina being raped. It also confronts this idea of why are promising young men being protected but not women?This confrontation is one of the film's stronger points in terms of social commentary/what it's saying about these types of cases.
One of the most powerful moments in the film for me was when Cassie watches the sex tape, the audience never sees it but the audio is enough. We see a medium close up of Cassie slowly becoming more and more torn up inside as we hear Al among his friends getting excited by the idea of having sex with Nina. I think a common issue with rape-revenge films like I Spit On Your Grave is how it fetishes the violence and raping and heavily uses the male gaze, making certain points about female empowerment void. I'm glad that the film didn't use this, as it made it an even more emotional moment.
That being said, this film feels like a half baked feminist film, it doesn't subvert the tropes in a particularly interesting or engaging way. I think the choice to of making Nina the one who was raped when she's never seen in the film (besides the odd photos of her) was a weak one. I never felt a connection to her character, something that is extremely crucial given its core messages and themes. It would've made more sense for Cassie to be the one that had these horrific experiences, making her goals and the characters' sympathy/connection with her (and detachment from the male characters) even more concrete and strong.
Cassie's death and the way she punishes the male characters felt extremely weak and disappointing. There was a real opportunity with her encounter with Neale as the film gave us an enigma of the previous man's fate. Instead of punishing them in a way you'd think one would (especially given her past with Nina), she simply scolds them. This feels off considering that the Dean most likely scolded Al in the sense that he shouldn't be at parties but also considering how men are treated for their actions within rape culture. Men are simply given a flick on the wrist for their actions rather than proper repurcussions. The lack of a proper punishment felt like a poor attempt at subverting the genre.
Fennell said in an interview that she wanted a "non-typical or a non-Hollywoood ending" but the ending felt very much like a Hollywood ending. Whilst Cassie does die, she somehow manages to schedule a text to be sent and Al is arrested for her murder (bad guys lose - seems very much like a Hollywood ending). Cassie's death and the way she punishes men is arguably very Hollywood-like - it almost feels afraid to push boundaries with feminism and its messages. Cassie's death made no sense, Al even mentioned how tight the restraints were yet before she could even act out any sort of interesting revenge, she's smothered to death with a pillow. It felt disappointing, the one time she finally got to enact any revenge or when it felt climatic it was immediately stopped.
This is way too long so I'm gonna stop here. Overall, I have a lot of issues with this film (don't even get me started on the white woman perspective/narrative) but I think my one of biggest issues is the way it's been viewed and regarded. Promising Young Woman doesn't add anything new to the table (in my opinion) but feels lackluster, poorly written and like simplified feminism. I was interested to see how a female director would handle such material but I was extremely disappointed in the way it ended.
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seattlesea ¡ 4 years ago
The Wasted Potential of Piper McLean’s Backstory
I think it’s safe to say that Piper’s backstory was easily the weakest, most boring, and worst-written one of all the characters in Heroes of Olympus, but it didn’t have to be. Riordan wasted a lot of potential for her backstory that could’ve added much more to her character just for ‘My dad doesn’t pay attention to me!!11!!!11!’ and then showing multiple flashbacks of Piper and Tristan spending quality father-daughter time alone together and completely invalidating all of Piper’s annoying complaining. Not only that, but Piper’s backstory is just a boring copy of Rachel’s. 
So, this is what Riordan did with Piper’s backstory:
1. ‘Neglectful’ dad. Piper spends 50% of The Lost Hero complaining about how little time her dad spends with her (and 49% thinking about Jason) instead of focusing on actually helping him. And while neglectful parenting can be very dangerous to a child’s happiness and social skills, Piper clearly wasn’t neglected or ‘ignored’. How do I know? Well for one, there are multiple flashbacks in The Mark of Athena of Piper and her dad hanging out- surfing, researching Greek mythology stories, watching Tristan’s movies and laughing over them, Tristan telling Piper Cherokee stories, etc.- and two, Piper isn’t unhappy nor unsocial and doesn’t show any symptoms of child neglect besides being clingy and possessive (but remember that the McLeans weren’t always rich, and were actually quite poor before, so Piper didn’t learn that behavior from her father). Besides, for someone who is claimed to be ‘smarter than all her other siblings’, Piper clearly doesn’t know that it’s her father’s agent that controls his schedule, not Tristan.
2. Rich and pretty= bad. In a lot of different circumstances, being rich and pretty has its cons, but Piper’s complaints about it are completely offbeat. Why? Cause we don’t know why she’s complaining about it. She complains about being rich, but why? She complains about being ‘too pretty’ (as if that’s something people legitimately complain about), but why? There’s no backstory or reasoning given to this. If there was, Piper’s constant complaining might have been valid, but Riordan just threw it into her story to give the readers a reason to take pity on and feel sympathy for her, and because he didn’t give Piper an actual reason for her complaining, it made it unbearable. If he had written it in smaller doses (much smaller) and wrote it realistically, it could’ve been really awesome. Because if you’re going to complain about something, make sure you’re complaining for a reason. Why does Piper hate being rich? Why does Piper hate having a bunch of awesome things most people would kill for? Why does Piper hate being attractive? And how Riordan tried to validate her complaining with ‘She wants to be normal’- NO ONE WANTS TO BE NORMAL. What teenager wouldn’t want a private airplane and giant mansion after living in a shitty wood house most of their life? Cause yes, Riordan, write your character complaining about her private chef making her a gold-wrapped sandwich while most of the other characters were worrying about where their next meal was going to come from and have her complain about having things while most people didn’t have 5% of what she had. That’ll totally make her a likable character. There’s a difference between being modest and being ungrateful.
3. Bullies. Being bullied sucks, and Piper has every right to complain about it. But...she didn’t. She didn’t complain at all. She didn’t even care about it. So she’s perfectly fine with being bullied and pushed around for her ethnicity, but her dad working a little overtime is the end of the world? How??? Besides that, Riordan didn’t write in bullies to shine a light on racism towards First Nations people, but for one reason only- to degrade femininity. Piper is described as a ‘tomboy’ (even though she doesn’t actually dress tomboyish, but that’s for another mini-rant) and the only bullies towards her we have been introduced to are girly-girls- Isabel and her group of friends who wore ‘matching pink tops and enough makeup for a Halloween party’, Drew Tanaka, Khione, etc. That’s not progressive, it’s sexist. ‘Femininity’ and ‘weakness’ are not synonymous, and nor are ‘masculinity’ and ‘strength’. Also, how did Isabel and her friends not know who Piper’s dad was? I’m pretty sure Tristan didn’t hide her from the entire world (though that would’ve been a way cooler backstory). 
4. Stealing. Anyone else out there who also knows that Piper isn’t actually a rebellious trouble-maker? Cause she isn’t. She got kicked out of four schools for being accused of stealing, but she never actually canonically broke any rules. As for the stealing part of her backstory, it was really, really lame. It was just a bad, invalid excuse to make Piper look like the badass and cool trouble-maker when in reality, all she did was politely ask for things. Not exactly ‘badass and rebellious’, and it was completely unnecessary. Piper wanted attention from her dad, but she got it multiple times and could’ve gotten it in many other different ways that didn’t enforce the racist ‘kleptomaniac First Nation’ stereotype. 
And this is what he should’ve done with her backstory:
1. Rich and pretty= distrust. Piper was reluctant to tell Annabeth about her famous father in The Lost Hero, but for the wrong reason. She didn’t want Annabeth to know about her movie-star dad because she didn’t want the ‘attention’, but she should’ve not wanted Annabeth to know out of distrust. And by ‘distrust’, I mean ‘not knowing if they want to know you for you or for your money’. This is a common con for rich and famous people, and they often turn paranoid and distrusting because they can never be certain if someone wants to be their friend because they think that they’re a cool person or if they want to be their friend because they’re rich and famous. That would’ve been a perfect reason for Piper to be reluctant to make new friends (especially after announcing to her whole cabin that her father was Tristan McLean), but she didn’t care. She even said that she ‘hated using the famous dad card’ but never showed signs of being dubious of new people who knew who she was. As for being pretty, a lot of attractive people are also distrustful because they never know if someone wants to date them for their personality or for their looks (and in Jason’s case, it was definitely the latter. No one wants to kiss someone a few minutes after knowing them and never actually talking to them one-on-one and it be anything but sexual attraction). Piper should’ve been very reluctant to get into a relationship (especially after Jason embarrassed and sexualized her in front of the entire camp calling her a ‘knock-out’) and it would’ve added a valid reason for her to complain about her looks. Cause again- why does she hate being attractive? Cause she’s tired of being stereotyped? No, cause she stereotypes other people. Cause she doesn’t want to be attractive? No, cause she never said anything about that. There was no reason for it, so it was a huge waste of many chapters and made for a horrible character arc. 
2. Alone in a big house. Piper complained about her dad being ‘too busy’ despite him being a very loving, caring, and inclusive father, but why didn’t she even mention the other part of it- being alone? Sure she had personal chefs, assistants, etc. with her, but no one related to her and no one who wasn’t being paid to be around her. Being alone sucks, but being alone in a giant house with a bunch of games and other stuff you’d love to share with another person but can’t? Damn. Speaking of which, what about Piper’s past schools? Five schools and no confirmed friends? It’s not like Piper has a hard time making friends since she was able to become friends with Leo (and only after being at the Wilderness School for a few months versus full school years at the others). Riordan could’ve written a very interesting backstory that didn’t have to relate to monsters (like Leo’s) but focused on the wrong parts. 
3. Impossible (and toxic) beauty standards and pressure. While being unattractive (or thinking you’re unattractive, cause you’re not ugly, you’re just not your type) sucks, being attractive (and extremely attractive) has multiple cons. Not only is there- racism in the beauty industry, society’s toxic and even deadly standards of beauty, not being open to relationships out of fear of only being liked for your looks, fear of not being taken seriously and being stereotyped, being cat-called and even the fear of rape, being compared to others, etc., but there’s the constant pressure (especially from family members, friends, and peers) of showing off your looks even if you don’t want to or are not comfortable doing so. I have an ‘hour-glass’ shaped body, and at first I loved my body and was very confident about it, but after the constant urging from my family members to wear tight (almost revealing) clothes to show off my body starting at only twelve years old despite me not being comfortable wearing those types of clothes, I hated my body and wore exclusively baggy and layered clothes for nearly 3+ years. This would’ve been perfect for Piper’s backstory, especially since her mother literally sexualized her by putting her in an ‘embarrassingly low v-neck dress’ in front of tons of campers. She wore basic, simple clothes, but she only wore them to avoid being labelled a ‘girly-girl’. It’s not even canon if she actually likes those clothes or are actually comfortable wearing them or not, she only wore them to avoid being something else she didn’t like. It could’ve led to an awesome character arc- going from insecure about your looks because people keep pressuring you into showing them off to only wearing and doing what you like. Piper tried to hide her looks, but for what reason? To avoid being stereotyped as ‘girly’? Yes, Piper, because girly-girls are the only type of girls that are pretty. Obviously.  
4. Charity. Rachel rocked this one. If Piper wanted to be kind and modest, why didn’t she give any of the things she had to people who actually needed it? Instead of moping about how rich you are, give the things you don’t want to those who need it. It’s a lot more effective and moral than spending all your days complaining and sulking, and it’s much more likely to gain readers’ favor than constant whining. 
5. Stereotypes. Riordan tried so hard to avoid the ‘snobby rich girl’ stereotype, but in my opinion- he should’ve utilized it. Piper went from ‘I don’t care about what I have’...to the exact same thing. She didn’t grow at all regarding her fortune and riches. Even in The Trials of Apollo, she lost everything and didn’t even care. Who wouldn’t care if they lost everything they had? Piper could’ve been grateful that she still had her dad and humanity while still being upset she lost everything. Back on topic- Piper could’ve gone from spoiled, obnoxious, and money-obsessed to ‘It doesn’t matter what I have or what I am but who I am’. She should’ve started off as the basic, stereotypical rich girl- a greedy, selfish, idealistic, spoiled, rude, dramatic, and overly ambitious primadonna diva who tried to buy her happiness and relationships but realized she couldn’t fill the hole in her heart with money and lipstick. Or how about the reckless homewrecker who broke hearts just for fun before realizing she actually wanted a real relationship, so started letting people in? Riordan avoiding the rich girl stereotype to make Piper more likable is what helped make her dislikable, because it ruined the chances of a good character arc. Besides, while not showing it on the surface, Riordan did actually sink into the rich girl stereotype by making Piper a selfish, ungrateful, and attention-seeking whiny brat, but she never grew from that or even realized she was doing it. 
6. Looks don’t matter. The fandom thinks that Piper is the one who stands for ‘looks don’t matter/it’s what’s on the inside that matters’, but she’s the opposite. She: -dismissed Percy and stereotyped him based off how he looked -hated her entire cabin and mother just because they were girly -hated and stereotyped Drew just cause she was wearing jewelry and makeup -constantly fussed over her looks and looked at herself more times in one chapter than all the other characters did combined -commented on Jason’s appearance multiple times, etc. So no, she isn’t the one who stands for that. The character who doesn’t think about their appearance at all is the one who stands for that, not the character who thinks about their looks 24/7. She should’ve been the character to stand for that, cause who better than the daughter of beauty and a famous, attractive movie-star? She should’ve been the one to scream to the mortal world that ‘Hey, I’m attractive but I’m not my attractiveness’. 
7. Racism. If Riordan wanted to expand on Piper’s character, why not write about the number one thing she should’ve been struggling with before being introduced to the mythological world- racism? She’s Cherokee, and there are multiple things against First Nations people nowadays like horrible living in reservations, living in the land she knows was stolen from her people and watching her father pay taxes to the very people who stole it, etc. Bullies suck, but bullies are common. The struggles of First Nations people is not, and it should’ve been added to Piper’s backstory not only to make her more realistic and better-written, but to shine a light on the racism and oppression against First Nation tribes. 
8. Monster attacks. So Piper is the daughter of a rich and famous movie star, most likely used multiple different pieces of technology, was out in the open only a few hours away from Camp Jupiter, and was out in the mortal world her whole life, but didn’t experience any monster attacks whatsoever, even at fifteen years old? That’s extremely unrealistic and dumb. Monster attacks should’ve been used to make her backstory more interesting and realistic. 
9. ADHD and dyslexia. Was I the only one bothered that Piper didn’t show any signs of ADHD or dyslexia? Every demigod has them and Frank is the only one confirmed not to, but Piper had no trouble focusing, staying still, reading, concentrating, forgetfulness, short attention spans, etc. She was even able to read the directory at Medea’s Department Store, the writing on the wall at the Cyclops-infiltrated warehouse, Greek stories with her dad, etc. In canon, she doesn’t even have ADHD or dyslexia, but showing her struggling with it (especially as the daughter of a famous movie star who’s pressured into being perfect and poised at all times) would’ve added so much to her backstory and character.  
10. Abandonment issues. So Piper’s mother literally leaves her before she was even born...and she didn’t care? It’s understandable that she would accept her mother’s choice after finding out that her mother was a goddess who couldn’t stay with her, but what about before? She didn’t even comment on it. She showed signs of abandonment issues (insecurity over her relationships, the inability to trust her partner’s intentions, constant jealousy, difficulty with feeling actual intimacy, possessive and controlling behavior, clinginess, constant need for attention, etc.) but they were never expanded on or even called out. She was portrayed as the perfect one without any faults or need for help cause she was (in Riordan’s eyes) supposed to be the ‘strong one’ who didn’t need others to help or save her, but that just led to a dull character and flat arc. 
11. Standards of perfection. Piper is the daughter of a rich and famous movie star, is extremely attractive, etc., so writing her backstory as being constantly pressured, raised, and even demanded into always being poised, presentable, and perfect her whole life would’ve been way better than whatever the hell Riordan was doing. Piper should’ve rebelled against society, not her dad who didn’t even do anything wrong. Basically- What Piper did: My dad wants to bring me to a nice salon cause he loves and cares about me? NO! I’m going to cut my own hair even though cutting your hair in First Nations culture is literally taboo without even bothering to tell my dad that I don’t want to get a haircut to see if he’ll agree! What Piper should’ve done: Society wants me to always be perfect and presentable? NO! I’ll show them that I’ll be whatever I want to be without their input!
12. Rich and famous ≠ a perfect life. People are often mistaken that rich and famous people have the best, perfect life, but they don’t. With society’s impossible standards, controversy in the fame department, tons of hate for a bunch of different reasons, and more, Piper could’ve been the one to show that more money doesn’t equal more happiness, cause who in the world would constantly want flashing cameras in their faces, the inability to go out without being followed and/or harassed, fake friends, constant judging, the inability to have any privacy or being able to do anything normal people can, etc.? 
So, yeah. Piper’s backstory was just a steaming-hot mess, a pile of wasted potential, and flat-out bad writing. Riordan could’ve written an awesome character with a great character development, but it was trashed only because he couldn’t focus on the right aspects of her backstory. 
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mskinkykitty ¡ 5 years ago
Dark!Steve x Reader/OC
Because, I love me a good, dark fic, I’ve been a little addicted to writing them. I’m rather proud of this one, and I’m not sure how long it’s going to be, but a few chapters, at least. Also, if there are any suggestions for a title, I would LOVE to hear them, because, as of now, I’ve got nothing! 
This fic, was also inspired by @darkficsyouneveraskedfor​ and all her amazing stories! Thank you for the inspiration!!
This is an 18+ Dark!Fic, please do not read, if any of the following warnings offend you.
Warnings: Rape, drugs, non-con, oral (f/r), vaginal sex, stalking, obsessive behavior, possessive feelings, voyeurism, masturbation, somnophilia,  smut,  sex, please let me know if I missed any, I’m still fairly new to sharing dark fics, and want to make sure, I have the proper warnings for those who might not want to read.
Word count: 7766
Summary: Steve has been watching her for years, waiting for the right time to approach her. So, when he runs into on his way to a meeting with Tony, imagine how surprised he is, when he finds out, she’s been working there for almost an entire year! He also realized, it was the perfect chance for him to get closer to her.
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Steve had been watching her for years. He'd first seen her a few months after waking up from the ice. She'd been dog walking in a local park, six dogs and none of them small. He watched her, thinking she might need help, but she never did. He followed her from a safe distance, not wanting her to see him, and watched her return all the dogs to their respective owners. She was a dog walker and that made Steve smile.
He continued to see her around the city, but she never seemed to notice him, always wrapped up in her own business. She eventually started showing up at Stark Tower every day. He found out she'd been hired to work in the mail room, after he saw her pushing around a mail cart and delivering a few things to Tony.
“Hey Mr. Stark, mail's here!”
It was the first time he'd ever heard her speak and it set something inside him on fire.
“Remember, I don't accept things that are handed to me.” he said, when she entered the office.
“Then I guess it's a good thing I'm tossing them to you.” She winked, then threw the small box at Tony, which he caught. She quickly became one of the few people Tony would accept things from.
Steve couldn't help his curiosity and approached the door, well, he did have a meeting with Tony, so it wasn't out of place for him to be there. She smiled at him when he knocked and entered the office.
“Hope I'm not interrupting.” He smiled.
“Hey Steve, take a seat, I'll be with you in just a minute.”
“Hey, Mr. Rogers.” She smiled at him, as he entered the room.
Steve was surprised she knew who he was, as far as he knew, she'd never seen him before. Steve returned her smile and walked past her to sit in one of the chairs opposite Tony's desk.
“Mr. Stark, when are you going to start making him wear those sweaters? You promised!” It was almost a whine.
Tony looked at Steve, then back at the, still, unnamed girl, and smirked.
“Sorry, kid, I kinda forgot. New rule, Cap, you're not allowed to enter the building, unless you're dressed like the original Mr. Rogers.”
“But I am the original Mr. Rogers.” he looked to the girl when she tried to stifle her laugh.
“See ya tomorrow, Mr. Stark. Later, Mr. Rogers.” she said with a wink and a two fingered salute and Steve couldn't help but blush.
His heart was racing and his mind was reeling. It was their first interaction! She knew who he was and treated him just like she treated Tony! But, she didn't wink at Tony, she only winked at him. Steve had known she was friendly, but thought she would shy away if he ever had the chance to talk to her. Though, he would have loved to see her shy away with a huge blush across her face, he rather liked that she wasn't to intimidated to treat him like a regular person.
“Oh, wait a minute, kid.” Tony said, running over to her, with something in his hand.
Steve couldn't hear what was said, but watched as she took the small box from Tony and gave him a thumbs up. Steve wasn't aware that he glared at Tony when he ruffled her hair and gave her a pat on the back. The girl just rolled her eyes, gave Tony a playful push, then with one hand on the cart and the other trying to fix her hair, she continued on her way.
“New mail girl?” Steve couldn't help but ask.
“Not really, she's been here for almost a full year, but, best delivery girl I ever hired.” Tony smiled, walking back to his desk and sitting behind it.
“I've never seen her before.”
“She usually makes her deliveries earlier, a few of the mail room workers called in today, so she had to help sort everything before she could star her deliveries. And I meant what I said, you won't be allowed to enter the building until you start dressing like Mr. Rogers.”
Steve looked at his clothes, then back at Tony, still not understanding how he wasn't dressed like himself.
“Google it later, Rogers.” Tony said, before they started to discuss the Avengers Initiative.
*  *  *
Steve continued to make it a point to be at the tower as often as he could, just so he could run into the girl. He started using the gym Tony had, saying it had better equipment than the gym he was using, and he didn't feel as bad when he destroyed Tony's punching bags. He began to learn her routine and made it a point to run into her a few times a week at varying times, he didn't want to make it obvious he was running into her on purpose.
Then, the attack on New York happened. She'd been in the building when Loki arrived. Tony had hired her to house sit, when he and Pepper weren't around, she was watering Tony's plants when Loki found her.
“Who the hell are you?” she asked when Loki entered the room.
���You're new God.” He smirked.
“Ok, yea, whatever.” she snarked, going back to her duties.
Loki didn't like being ignored, couldn't believe the audacity of this mortal to do just that.
“You will bow before your new God and ruler, mortal.” he smirked, as he stood there and stared at her, but quickly frowned when she continued to ignore him. “You dare to ignore me!”
“Uh, clearly.” she said, walking over to another of Tony's house plants.
“You clearly have no idea of the danger you're in, little mortal.” he gave a dark chuckle as he walked over to her.
“No dude, you clearly have no idea of the danger, you're in.” she turned to look at him, a smirk playing at her lips. “You do know who's house you just walked into, right?”
“Of course I do.” he said, in a nonchalant tone, “That's why I'm here.”
“Then, you have to know he'll be here any minute to lay the smack down on you.” she turned her attention back to the plants in front of her.
“I'm counting on it.” Loki's smile grew more predatory the closer he got to her.
“Didn't really peg you as the masochistic type, figure you'd be more into the giving, than the receiving.” She was teasing him.
“I guess it depends on whose doing the giving. I'd be more than happy to to take anything you'd give.” he whispered in her ear as he gently placed his hands on her shoulders, and let them ghost down her arms.
He nuzzled his nose into her hair and grinned when he felt her stiffen under his touch. He'd used his magic to immobilize her. He felt her heart rate increase, when he brushed her hair away from her neck and lightly placed a kiss behind her ear.
“It was so very kind of Tony to leave such a tantalizing gift to occupy my time, while I wait for him. Though, he could have done a better job with the gift wrapping.” Loki was once again whispering in her ear. He could feel her fear and he loved it. The thoughts of what she thought he would do to her were tempting to act on, but that's not the kind of person he really was. He preferred a willing partner, though he wasn't above using such fear tactics. He let his magic alter her attire, into something a little more pleasing to him. He was tempted to put her in something skimpy and revealing, but, preferred something tasteful. He let his magic put her in a sleek, form fitting, long sleeved, emerald green dress, with gold embellishments. There was a slit in the fluid-like skirt, that went all the way to her hip, the back was open and cut so low, he could see the Norse snake tattoo on her lower back and he smiled.
“Interesting tattoo.” he said, letting his fingers gently run across it. “Already a worshiper of your new god.”
“It's a representation of my ancestry, asshole.” she growled.
“Oh? You're of Norse decent then?” he actually sounded interested.
“What of it?” she hissed, and he could feel her struggle against his magic.
“Your ancestors used to worship Asgardians as their Gods. Perhaps, as a reward for your family's loyalty, I will make you my personal slave, once I've conquered this miserable planet. Let you indulge me in my masochistic ways.” he was once again purring in her ear.
“Go fuck yourself.” she snapped.
“Now, now, pet, is that anyway to talk to your master?” he smiled, turning her around, so she was now facing him. “Perhaps collaring you, would take out some of that bite.” Loki smiled as a black and gold trimmed collar appeared on her neck.
He placed his hand on the tattoo on her lower back and she felt a warm sensation flow through her entire body.
“That's so I will be able to find you, should you ever try to run away.” The tears in her eyes, brought him a sadistic kind of joy. “No need to cry, pet. Well, not yet at least.” He let his nose run up her neck and into her hairline, making a point to inhale loud enough for her to hear.
Loki found that he was enjoying tormenting the snarky mortal, much more than he anticipated.
“I will make your life a living hell,” she spat. “and I would suggest sleeping with one eye open, or you may just wake up with a dagger in your chest.”
“Promises, promises.” he said, running his hand, softly up her spine, feeling the goosebumps form as he went and he gave a hum of approval.
“How arrogant are you, that you actually think you'll win against the Avengers? You're one delusional, asshole against a team of superheroes.” Loki was really enjoying her fight, and would have to make sure he didn't break her too quickly, or possibly, at all.
“Not for long. Would you like to be the first to see the door open?” he asked, pulling back, to grin at her.
“What door?” she asked, furrowing her brows.
“The door that will let the rest of my army in. The Chitauri, a race of warriors that will destroy your precious Avengers. Disgusting creatures, but necessary.”
“You're really fucked up!”
“Quite the mouth on you, too. I think I know just how to put a stop to that.” He gave her a lascivious grin, when she paled, then crashed his lips to hers.
He hadn't planned on kissing her, but he'd seen Tony land on the platform outside, greeted by one of Loki's doubles. As Tony entered the room, the illusion vanished. Loki released his magical hold on the mortal, letting her resist him. Loki let her push him away, then turned his attention to Tony, keeping his arms wrapped around the girl.
“My thanks for the delicious, welcoming gift, Stark.” Loki flashed a malicious smile to Tony.
“Get your hands off of her, Loki.” Tony growled and much to his surprise, Loki released her and she ran to Tony, who welcomed her with a hug.
“You alright, Jade?” He asked.
“Yea, I'm fine. Thanks.” she smiled
“A lovely name for my little pet.” Loki grinned.
“I'm not your pet, dickwad!” Jade hissed, turning to glare at Loki.
“How adorable, just like a kitten when it discovers it has claws.” Loki cooed.
He laughed and ducked when she threw one of Tony's lamps at him. Yes, he would definitely enjoy tormenting her, once he'd finished conquering the planet.
Sadly, for Loki, that wasn't going to happen, after being knocked out by the Hulk, he woke up to the Avengers surrounding him and one of Hawkeye's arrows in his face. Once he was restrained, Jade was allowed to enter the room, still in the dress he'd magicked her in. He sensed something dark coming from one of the Avengers, but it was too faint to tell which. Curious to find out who it was, he couldn't resist teasing the young woman.
“I told you, you wouldn't win.” Loki admired the proud tone in her voice, though she was mortal, he still liked her, she would have made for a very entertaining pet.
“Yes, you did, my pet, but don't worry, I'll be back for you. Remember, I'll always be able to find you.” He smirked, when she squeaked at the tickling sensation that flowed through her from her tattoo.
Loki felt that dark desire grow faintly stronger, still not enough to tell who it was.
“What is that?” Tony said, looking at Jade's lower back.
“Your tattoo is glowing.” Natasha said, walking over to get a closer look.
“Did he put this on you?” Thor asked, looking at the glowing tattoo before turning to glare at his brother.
“No, I've had it for a while, he just did something to it, said it was so he could always find me.”
“You put a claim on her?” Thor's tone was disgusted.
“How else does one find their lost pet?” Loki was having way too much fun, then he felt it. That dark desire had grown strong enough and Loki turned to see the captain glaring daggers at him. Loki just flashed him a taunting smile and winked.
“Remove it from her. Now!” Steve said in such a dark tone, as he grabbed the front of Loki's shirt and pulled him close. If Loki had been a mortal, it might actually have scared him.
“I can't. Ownership claims are impossible to remove, once they've set. I'm afraid she's marked as mine for the rest of her life.”
“Is that true, Thor?” Tony asked.
“I'm afraid it is. No matter where she is, he will always be able to find her.” Thor sighed, before turning to address Jade. “Fear not, young mortal, Loki will be imprisoned on Asgard for a very long time. He won't be able to do anything to you.”
“What if I have the tattoo removed? Will that remove the spell, or whatever it is?” she asked, giving Thor a hopeful look, Loki just laughed.
“The claim flows through your blood, and is bound to every fiber of your being, impossible to remove. You are bound to me.” Loki almost purred, keeping his eyes focused on Steve. He could feel the dark possessive, desire flowing through the man. Loki wished he had time to taunt him more, find the root of this little bit of darkness that flows through the righteous, super soldier. The Captain didn't seem to have any kind of relationship, or friendship with the young woman, for that matter. The object of his desire didn't seem to even register that Steve was in the room. She remained close to Tony. When all eyes, but Steve's, shifted back to Jade, Loki took the chance to lean in and whisper in Steve's ear.
“Tell me, Captain, does it burn you to know that I claimed her first? Had my hands on her before you? Tasted those delicate lips? I just wish I had been able to taste more of her.”
That's when Loki realized how intense Steve's desire was, how far he was willing to go to posses the woman. Steve's infatuation with her was bordering obsessive and not in a healthy way. He should probably say something to Thor about it. All this ran through Loki's mind, just as Steve landed a jaw, shattering punch.
“She will never be yours.” Steve hissed in Loki's ear, just as he lost consciousness.
“What did you do that for, Rogers?” Tony asked, running over, after seeing Steve punch Loki.
“Sorry. I let the things he was saying get to me.” Steve said, releasing his grip on Loki and letting him fall to the floor.
“About what?” Clint asked.
Steve blushed when his eyes quickly looked to Jade, who was smiling and talking to Hulk as if nothing had happened, then back to Loki. Clint and Natasha followed where is eyes went, then gave each other a knowing glance. Thor hadn't missed where Steve had looked, either, and scowled at his unconscious brother.
“I'm sorry, Captain, my brother has a way of getting under people's skin. Do not put any truth behind his words, if he had truly hurt her, she wouldn't be smiling right now.” Thor said, placing his hand on Steve's shoulder.
“Yea, I know. I'm sorry, Thor.” Steve said, doing his best to look ashamed, even though he wasn't.
“There is no need to apologize. Loki, no doubt deserved it.”
The group's huddle over Loki was disturbed when they heard laughter coming from Jade. They looked to see a smiling Hulk, twirling her around, making the skirt of her dress flare out.
“Holy shit!” she yelled, still holding Hulk's hand, as he began to transform back into Bruce Banner.
Jade caught him when he fell forward after the transformation was finished. He was panting and holding on to her for support.
“Are you alright, Dr. Banner?” she asked, her arms wrapped around him, struggling to hold him up, since he was quite a few inches taller than her, and heavier than he looked.
“I'm fine, thank you, Jade.” He smiled at her as he stood up.
“Um, your pants.” she said, her face, bright red as she looked up at the ceiling, pretending to find something interesting up there.
“Hm, oh! Right, sorry!” he said, quickly pulling his pants up, the blush on his face, matching hers.
“It happens and I didn't see anything, but, you can still apologize properly, by taking me out for coffee sometime.” Her smile turning bashful as she avoided looking at him. Bruce returned her bashful smile, as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck, keeping a tight grip on his now, oversized pants.
“Yea, um, ok, I can do that.” he replied nervously.
Steve watched the two interacting and felt his blood begin to boil. Jade was supposed to be his. He had seen her first, he'd seen her before the Avengers were even a proper team. She'd smiled at him and teased him about dressing like Mr. Rogers, which he happily obliged. The nervous, bashful look she was giving Bruce, was supposed to be the way she looked at him. She was getting to close with the other team members and he didn't like it.
Loki never did get a chance to say something to Thor about the Captain's dark infatuation.
*  *  *
Steve's infatuation was slowly becoming an obsession after the attack on New York. Their “run-ins” became more frequent, and not just inside the tower, he began to “accidentally” run into her outside the tower as well. He waited an entire year after the New York incident, before he moved into her apartment complex. He'd been living there for almost six months, before he let her see him getting his mail.
“Mr. Rogers? What are you doing here?” she asked, clearly surprised to see him.
“Oh, hey, Jade.” He gave her a look of surprise, locking his mailbox back up. “I live in the building, fourth floor, what are you doing here?”
“I live up on the third floor.” she smiled, checking her own mailbox.“I didn't know you'd moved.” Of course, Steve already knew where she lived, he'd waited for the apartment right above her's to become available.
“Yea, my building was destroyed during the attack, so I moved into the tower until I could find somewhere decent.” he watched her lock her mailbox and flip through her mail.
“When did you move in?” she asked, looking up at him after throwing a few pieces of junk in the recycling.
“About six months ago, I think,” He said, as they began to walk to the elevator.
“What!” she exclaimed with a laugh. “And we're just now running into each other?”
“Busy schedule, you know.” he said, doing his best to give her a bashful smile, as he pushed the elevator call button.
“Right, duh!” she laughed, playfully hitting the heal of her hand to her forehead. “How do you like the neighborhood?”
“It's nice, quiet, there's a park not too far from here that I like to visit for my morning runs.” It was the park where he'd seen her for the very first time.
“Yea, that's a great park. I help out a friend with his dog walking business a couple days a week, and walk the dogs there. You must get up at the butt crack of dawn, because I've never seen you there.” she said, walking into the elevator after the doors had opened.
“Yea, I get up pretty early. If you'd ever like some company, walking the dogs, I'd be happy to join you.” Steve offered, still trying his best to sound bashful and shy. He'd been watching her too long, cultivating a persona around her, to mess this up now.
“Thanks. Bruce joins me sometimes, too, but, if you don't mind throwing your schedule off balance, you're welcome anytime.” Steve had to fight the anger he felt, when she mentioned Bruce, especially, since they seemed to be on a first name basis now. She didn't even call him by his first name, no matter how many times he asked.
Even though, she and Bruce were only friends, he couldn't stop the jealous feeling he got every time they were together. He knew Bruce didn't want anything other than a friendship with her, he'd already asked. Bruce told Steve that he and Jade had talked about it, and agreed, friendship was the best thing for them. Bruce hadn't wanted to lead her on or give her the wrong impression, and she'd been perfectly ok with that. She admitted to Bruce that she only wanted to get to know him, she'd read about some of his work, and a few other things he'd published and just wanted to talk science with him. She'd told Bruce that she loved science, but was never very good at it and had a hard time understanding it. Steve was glad that their relationship had stayed purely platonic, as they continued to get close. On occasion, Bruce would even let her stay late to help him in the lab.
“Just let me know when and where.” Steve smiled, though it felt forced and he knew it came off that way. Not wanting to draw more attention to it, he cleared his throat and asked, “So, when are you going to stop calling me Mr. Rogers and start calling me Steve?” She laughed.
“Well, now that you're my neighbor, probably never. I can't wait to tell everyone that I have a neighbor named Mr. Rogers! That's like, the best thing ever!” Steve's heart fell a little, with her answer, which she noticed.
“Come on, Steve,” Steve's heart fluttered when she said his name, and he actually had a genuine blush. “being called Mr. Rogers is a good thing. Hasn't Mr. Stark explained it to you, yet?” she chuckled and Steve shook his head.
“Come on, I'll explain it to you over a cup of hot chocolate.” She said, exiting the elevator when the doors opened to the third floor.
It wasn't the first time Steve had been in her apartment, though he had to pretend it was. He'd stolen her keys out of her bag, had a copy made, then replaced them before she ever knew. He'd managed to get his hands on some of Tony's micro camera's and installed them all over her apartment. There was one in every corner, ensuring that he'd be able to see her from every angle, the only thing he couldn't see, was the toilet, deciding to allow her that little bit of privacy, but he saw her every time she showered. Saw everything she did in her bedroom. Saw what she ate, when she slept, what she slept in. It was just like living with her and she didn't suspect a thing. He'd even managed to tap into her phone, so he could hear every conversation she had and she always had a tracker on her, just in case anything ever happened to her.
Entering her apartment, he began to look around, he made it look like he was taking everything in, but he was really checking his cameras, making sure they were still well hidden. He was thrilled when he found out they had microphones already built in. He still hid a few extra in her bedroom, especially after the first time he watched her pleasure herself. The cameras just didn't pick up enough of the sounds and he wanted to hear her. He'd even snuck in a few times when she showered at night, stood in the dark hall, to make sure she wouldn't hear him. He loved being able to see her so close through the clear shower doors, it was so much better than watching her on the monitors. Of course, he'd always leave before she was finished.
He was pulled from his lusty thoughts when she said something to him, which he was glad for, since his pants were starting to grow uncomfortably tight.
“I'm sorry, what?” he asked, looking over his shoulder, he couldn't risk turning around, and letting her see how excited he'd gotten.
“I said, you could have a seat on the couch, if you want. I've got to let the water boil and grab my laptop. I still can't believe Tony hasn't explained the whole Mr. Rogers thing, well, thinking about it, I guess I can. He can be such an ass sometimes.” she said, shaking her head as she filled the tea kettle with water and placed it on a burner, then turned it to high.
Steve took the opportunity while her back was turned, to walk over to the counter, that separated the kitchen and living room and sit at one of the bar stools. She smiled at him when she turned around and placed two mugs in front of him, then grabbed the scissors and opened up two hot chocolate packets, then leaned over and grabbed something from under the counter. He quirked an eyebrow at her when he saw her place a bottle of butterscotch schnapps down.
“Don't mock it until you've tried it. Trust me, it only makes it taste better.” she scolded, pointing a finger at him. He just leaned back and held his hands up in mock surrender.
Before she could say anything else, the tea kettle had started to whistle, indicating it was now boiling. She spun on her heel, her hair flaring out behind her, sending the sent of her shampoo in Steve's direction. He inhaled deeply, he loved the way she smelled. He watched her fill the mugs halfway up with the boiling water, added a little bit of milk to each, then stir them, blending the powder and liquid. Once it was mixed, she added the schnapps to one cup, tasted it, added a little more, tasted it again, and smiled.
“Here, try it. If you don't like it, I won't add any to yours.” She handed the cup to Steve, who took it, and turned it around when she went to place the kettle back on the stove, drinking from the same spot she had.
“So, what do you think?” she asked, turning back around.
“You're right, it does make it better.” He chuckled, handing the mug back to her.
“Told you, is it strong enough, or do you want more in yours?” she asked, grabbing the bottle, waiting to pour it into his mug.
“The same amount is fine.” he said, watching her pour the liquid, stir, use the spoon to taste, add a little more, rinsed the spoon before giving it another stir, and sipping from the spoon one last time.
“Perfect.” she smiled, handing him the cup. He was a little disappointed she didn't drink from it, like she did hers. “I'll be right back, I've gotta use the bathroom, then grab my laptop and then I can explain the whole Mr. Rogers thing to you.” she said, pushing her cup next to Steve, since she'd be sitting next to him at the counter.
He watched her run to the bathroom room first, made sure he heard the door click, then pulled out his wallet and removed a small envelope from inside. He quickly dumped all the contents into her cup. He heard the toilet flush, then the sink and shoved the empty envelope back into his wallet, which he put in the back pocket of his jeans. He listened for the bathroom door to open, then heard her walk into her room. He leaned over and mixed the powder he just dumped in, with her cocoa, grabbing his own mug, when he heard her coming back.
He sipped from his cup and watched her set up her lap top.
“So, Mr. Rogers was a kids show that used to air on PBS back in the day, they might still air it, but I'm not entirely sure. He was a war vet and a pastor. He didn't like the programs that were available for kids at the time, so he created his own.” she said, filling him in while she waited for the lap top to boot up.
“He started out on public access in his own town, then went to PBS. He even went up against congress or the senate, whoever, when they wanted to cut funding, his speech was pretty impressive. Needless to say, he changed their minds, and I think they increased the funding, I could be wrong, but, the important thing is, they didn't cut it and he got to continue doing his show. The rumor was, he wore the long sleeves to cover his tattoos. His mom knitted all the sweaters he wore on the show.” she continued, typing in the name.
“You must have really liked the show when you were a kid.” he chuckled as he watched her take a drink from her mug.
“Not really, I only really watched it when I was too sick to go to school. He's just, kind of become a pop culture icon, like Bob Ross.” she took another swallow from her mug.
“Now there's a name I recognize. That's the guy with all those painting tutorials.” Steve smiled.
“I'm glad to see you're not completely in the dark about pop culture.” another sip. “Mm, here's a good picture.” she said, clicking a photo of a clean cut, gray haired man, with a kind smile, wearing a sweater over his collared shirt.
“That, is Mr. Rogers.” she gave him a big smile, pointing at the photo of the man.
“Did you think I looked like him?” he asked, giving the photo a skeptical look, not seeing a resemblance. He watched her take another drink of her cocoa.
“No, not at all. It was mostly the name, Fred Rogers,” she said, pointing to the photo, “Steve Rogers.” she smiled pointing back at him.
“Plus, you both are pretty wholesome figures. Always going on about doing the right thing and standing up to bullies. That kind of stuff. Here, let me see if I can find a video for you to watch.”
Steve took a large drink of his cocoa, and watched her pull up YouTube and do a video search. She clicked on one she liked, and they watched it together. Steve watched out of the corner of his eye as she continued to sip her cocoa. Once the video was over, he'd already finished his and watched her swallow the last of hers.
“All right, I see what you mean.” He laughed, rubbing the back of his neck. He smiled when she yawned.
“That's two things I was right about.” she smirked, standing and stretching.
“You don't need to rub it in.” he said, standing up as well. “I should get home, I've got a few things to go over before it gets too much later.”
“Alright, and hey, you're welcome to stop by for alcohol infused cocoa anytime. It's like a nice, warm hug for your insides.” she said, walking him to the front door, Steve saw, what he thought was an invitation, and took it.
“That's something I haven't had in a long time.” He clarified when he saw her confusion. “A nice, warm hug.”
“Well, that's just not right.” she said, opening her arms wide, waiting to give him a hug. “Come on, Mr. Rogers, you're making me feel like a complete dork, standing like this.” she said, when he seemed to hesitate too long.
He just laughed at her and wrapped his arms around her, feeling that familiar twitch in his pants. He held her a little tighter, squeezing her breasts against him. God, he'd waited forever for this, but his patience was finally starting to pay off. He wanted to let his hand wander further and grab her rear, but, he knew they weren't there yet, he just had to wait a little longer. He'd have all of her soon enough.
“Thanks.” he said, when they separated from the hug.
“No one should go without hugs.” she smiled, then grabbed her head as she swayed, slightly.
“Are you ok, Jade?” He asked, voice full of concern.
“Yea, just, really dizzy and light headed, all of a sudden. Maybe I added too much schnapps.”
“Let me help you sit down.” He said, holding one hand in his, the other on the small of her back.
She felt something surge through her when Steve placed his hand on her lower back, right where her tattoo was. It made her feel suddenly uncomfortable, like she needed to get away from him. She ignored it.
“It's ok, I'll be fine. Don't want to keep you any longer.” she said, trying to take a step, but almost falling over.
“Maybe you better lay down. I'll help you to your room, then I'll go. Deal?” He said, helping her walk to her room.
“Yea, that might not be a bad idea, I'm not sure if I'd make it on my own.” she said, her mind starting to feel fuzzy and her vision going blurry.
Her feeling of unease only intensifying the closer they got to her room. She didn't understand what was happening or where these feelings were coming from all of a sudden. But, Steve did just as he said, helped her to her bed, though he did take off her shoes and socks, then he left, locking the door behind him. She didn't even remember falling asleep.
*  *  *
Steve hurried back to his apartment, choosing to take the stairs since it would be faster than waiting for the elevator. Once inside, he rushed to the spare room where he had all his surveillance equipment set up. He focused on the one in her bedroom and sat down. He needed to make sure she was completely out before he went back.
Steve waited an hour and a half, before he went back to her apartment. She hadn't moved the entire time. His heart was beating so fast and so hard. When he felt the stirring of arousal in his pants, he was glad he had changed to his loose fitting lounge pants. He walked back into her room, doing nothing to be quiet about it. He needed to see how effective the drug was, how deep of a sleep it put her in.
“Hey Jade, I wanted to check on you, make sure you were doing ok.” He said, in a flat tone. He then walked over to her and shook her shoulder.
More shaking and calling her name a little louder.
He reached down and tickled the bottom of her foot, she didn't even flinch and he smiled.
Steve licked his lips as he sat down next to her, he was finally going to be able to touch her. He wanted to wait, but when she'd invited him in, the temptation was just too great, he couldn't resist any longer. He had to have her.
He let his eyes roam up and down her body a few times, before he reached for the waistband of the leggings she'd been wearing. He groaned when he saw she wore no panties underneath, and she was completely clean shaven. It was like she'd been waiting for him to make his move. He couldn't resist, and he leaned down and place a kiss to her bare lips, inhaling her sweet, musky scent. Before he let himself get too carried away, he sat her up and removed her shirt, then her bra. He stood up and stared at her, completely naked before him. He was practically salivating, he was so hungry for her, and now he could take his time and explore her body, like he'd been dreaming about. His only regret, was that he wouldn't be able to feel her mouth wrap around him.
His breathing got heavier and his pants tighter the longer he stared. Steve moved to the foot of her bed and knelt by her feet. He put his hands on her shins, his thumbs on the inside of her legs, he moved his hands up, spreading her legs open. He let one hand continue its way up, and let his thumb glide between her folds, groaning when he felt how warm and wet she was. He lay down between her legs, with the fingers of his free hand, he spread her lips open.
“God, you're beautiful.” He whispered.
Steve stared for a minute longer, before tasting her with his tongue. She was muskier than he anticipated, but no less perfect. She was a delicacy he would be happy to savor anytime. He let his tongue explore her, using long broad strokes, to quick pointed ones, where he focused on her sensitive bundle of nerves, occasionally latching on to suck on it. He'd let his tongue wander back down and circle the source of where her delicious nectar came from, letting his tongue delve in as deep as it could. His eyes darted to her face, when he heard a small moan escape from her, but she didn't wake, so he continued his exploration. He removed his tongue and let two of his fingers replace it, licking his way back up to suckle her sensitive bud. He was only encouraged when her hips began to undulate and her moaning became more frequent. Steve added another finger and began to thrust faster until her heard a small cry escape her lips and felt her walls pulse around his fingers. He removed his fingers and began to lick her clean, proud that he'd been able to make her cum so easily.
Once he'd cleaned her with his tongue, he began to kiss up her body, stopping to focus on her breasts when he reached them. He eagerly took a nipple in his mouth and began to suck and nip at it, using the hand he wasn't supporting himself with to continue it's ministrations between her legs. He wanted her nice and wet, so she could take him easier.
Hearing her little moans and cries, Steve couldn't wait any longer, he removed his hand from between her legs and released her breast from his mouth. He positioned himself between her legs and just took a moment to stare at her. She was breathing heavy and had a light sheen of sweat to her skin. It made him proud to know he did that to her.
“I've wanted this since the first time I saw you. You were so beautiful, so perfect, I just wish it could have happened sooner. God, I can't believe I finally get to feel you.” Steve whispered, pulling her knees up and letting them fall open.
Steve grabbed his cock and let it slide through her damp folds, covering himself with her slick, then, sliding in and letting her warmth surround him.
“Holy shit, sweetheart!” he panted, trying to catch his breath. “You feel like fucking velvet around me! I can't believe you've got me swearing.” he panted, while shaking his head.
Once he got his breathing under control, he slowly began to thrust, in long, languid strokes. He wanted to let himself fully experience her body. Taking his time, enjoying all the pleasure she could give him. He loved that she could take all of him, loved the feeling of hitting her cervix, the way her walls caressed his length. She fit him perfectly, like she was made just to take him.
Steve was torn, he wanted to continue his slow, torturous pace, but he also wanted to pound into her until he came. He told himself there would be more opportunities like this and he could take his time with her another night. Removing himself from her, he reached for the pants he'd been wearing and fished out the condom he'd brought. He quickly put it on before entering her once again.
“I can't wait until I don't have to use one of these with you.” He smiled as he began to thrust once again.
Grabbing her hips, he began to pick up the pace, slamming into her harder and harder. Needing more friction and more control, he adjusted himself so he was on his knees, he picked up her hips, the rest of her body still sprawled on the bed, and moved her body to meet his thrusts, allowing himself to put more force behind it.
“Holy shit, doll, you're so perfect. I wasn't sure you'd be able to take all of me, I never should have doubted you. Fuck, I can't wait for you to feel how perfectly we fit together. I knew you were special the moment I saw you, knew you were meant to be mine.”
He was pounding into her with almost everything he had. He could feel his release building up, when she started moaning and he felt her walls convulse around his cock, that was all he needed before he came inside her, harder than he ever had before. He gave a few more thrusts, before sitting on his knees, still holding her hips. Panting and sweating as he stared down at her naked body.
“I love you so much! And I know soon, you'll love me just as much. My perfect, little angel.” He whispered, leaning over and placing a kiss on her lips. He kept himself locked inside her for a few more minutes, letting his hands roam her body. Next time, he'd bring his camera so he could take pictures of her like this. That way, when he had to be away from her for too long, he'd still be able to see her like this.
He finally removed his softening cock from her, pulled off the condom, tying it off at the end, then wrapping it in toilet paper, he put it in his pants pocket. He couldn't leave any evidence behind, he knew she wasn't ready to accept the truth, just yet. He dressed himself, then, after cleaning her up with a warm towel, he dressed her and tucked her in.
“I'll see you soon, sweetheart.” he whispered, before placing a kiss to her forehead.
He did one more sweep of the room, making sure he wasn't leaving anything behind, then gave her one last loving look and left.
He couldn't wait to get back to his apartment and watch the footage of their love making. He also couldn't wait to plan their next session.
After watching the video feed, Steve decided he needed to find a drug that would let her remain semi conscious, so she could participate a little more, but didn't let her remember what happened. He wanted to hear more of her cries and wanted to feel her wrap her arms and legs around him. But more than anything, he wanted to fuck her pretty, little mouth and make her swallow everything he gave her.
As he thought about all the dirty things he wanted to do to her, he had to fight the urge to sneak back into her apartment and fulfill his urges. The only thing stopping him, was that he had no idea how long the drug would keep her unconscious. He didn't want to risk her waking up, while he was pounding her with his cock.
With his cock, hard and aching for relief, he slid his pants down enough to expose himself, and did the only other thing he could do to relief himself.
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tomdiddlyumptious ¡ 4 years ago
T.H| This Is Odd
Summary: sometimes coming to a high school when your not supposed to has some... odd features
Warnings: rant about black hole, DRUGS, small RAPE MENTION, languange, OD (overdose), and idk
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“Yeah his brother is like Indian or something, which makes absolutely no sense” you heard from a distance, you turned and followed the voice, finding one of your classmates, crowded with other ones.
Ding ding
“Class class- we have a new student!” Your teacher, let’s call her ms Barbra. You sat in the back of the class, not wanting any attention of the sort. “His name is Ben Perkins!” The student stepped up, an awkward smile across his lips as he looked through the class.
“Everyone say hi!” “Hi Ben” “hey Ben” class said one or another, expect you of course. “Go ahead and find yourself an open seat” Ben took his time but made his way to the back, sitting in between you and a girl that was your..... friend? You are cold but she got along with you pretty well, I guess.
About 20 minutes in, you look over the class, eyes cold and in an over-sized dark green sweater, black biker shorts, and a over-sized plain black shirt that came down just revealing a few inches of your shorts.
“What the fuck is your problem?” The girl asked, Tracey. “Okay so I’m Spider-Man, if you want me to be honest yeah” Ben shrugged. “Your fuckin nuts” she whispered, leaving Ben chuckling.
“You hear this bullshit y/n?” Tracey asked, making both of them turn to you. “Eh, don’t really care about it” “so you don’t like Spider-Man?” Ben whispered. “No, I don’t like anything, or anyone, except for Tracey, isn’t know why but I really like her” “as in-“ “no dipshit” you turned to him, giving him that cold stare, he stopped looking at you and cleared his throat, looking at Tracey panicked as she only shrugged.
You walked through the cafiteria, computer in hand as your hair bounced with each walk, sitting down at a table alone you open your computer. “Can we sit here?” “Don’t care” you heard bags drop on the table as you look up, “Spider-Man huh?” You looked at Ben and he nodded, “ID please” “I don’t think-“ “I’m not trying to fuckin rob you or anything, just give me the ID” you looked at Ben, you made eye contact as he tried not to fail.
“Fuck” he lost when you raised your eyebrows at him, he took out the ID and handed it to you. “Let’s get this out of the bag, you aren’t Ben Perkins, who is stupid enough to give someone that name-“ “ouch” “this ID, made, of course it is, it’s the school ID, is it?” You mostly talked to yourself, Ben and Tracey just starring at you as you were in detective mode.
“What’s your real name?” “Should I be giving this information?” You snapped your fingers at him “that’s a fake accent, your brother is indian” “he was adopted” “shut up” you type in your computer ‘soon to be Spider-Man’ “any trailers out yet?” “No” “aha” you scrolled down on marvels Instagram, clicking it “this is fun, I should do this more often” you nod to yourself, you scroll down to the Spider-Man post “Tom holland, so it’s true?” You turn the computer, “duchess, your from the UK” Tracey scrolls through the computer reading it.
“How would you know that” “you came to a geniuses school didn’t you?” You smirk. “How long you gonna be here?” “For about three more days” “there’s a party” Tracey smiles. “Tracey no, Thomas is like 19,20” “I’m 19 and how did you know my name is-“ “because your from the UK, duchess, it makes sense”
“Hey ms Johnson can I get some water?” You ask, Tom and Tracey behind you. “Yeah sure huh you know where it is” the office manager smiled at you, you smiled back and grabbed a cup, instantly going to the coffee machine. “That isn’t water” “want one?” You ask them, they all nod. “Okay so like, what’s going on, how did you get here, and why?”
“My British humor is something that people don’t get” Tom smiled. “Yeah... I bet” Tracey mugged Tom, he looked at her as in ‘what did I do?’ “Are you coming to the party?” Tracey asks you. “Is there drugs?” You say, standing infront of the coffee machine and turning back to her, your lower lip puckered. “Your an addict” “I have my problems” you shrugged, handing the black coffee to Tom as he grabbed the things he needed for the coffee.
“Are you?” He asked, looking back at you. “I’ve been clean for.....yeah I don’t know” you shrugged, know handing one to Tracey. “Is that a good I don’t know” “no she literally likes to wipe her memory- I’m suprised you haven’t OD’ed yet” “in your dreams Tracey, in your dreams” you smiled, now coming over with them and making the coffee, until the door opened.
“I thought you only wanted some Y/n?” “Hey, the more the merrier am I right?” You winked at her, “whatever” she playfully said, closing the door. “And you call yourself a genius right?” “Sometimes duchess, why?” “I’m pretty sure geniuses don’t do drugs” “but geniuses do find out when a fraud enters their school, and cracks the case under 20 minutes” you glared at him “touché” he cheered his drink at you. “I really hope you don’t plan on skipping this party y/n” “ayo, I’ll think about it trace- how about you pretty boy, you comin?” “What’s the age range” “we are both eighteen, as long as you don’t thot around you’ll be fine” you smile at him as he nervously chuckles.
“The black hole, do you know what you’d find?” The teacher asks, nobody knew. “You guys suck” you said out loud, standing up and taking the marker from the teacher you drew a black whole. “Black whole, if you went in you wouldnt find anything, it’s called the black whole for a reason, it’s basically a planet vacuum, if we ever got to close we would be sucked in” you explained. “And that would take us to the fifth dimension, this black whole” you hit the drawing “can pop up anywhere, it can take the sun, Mars, I’m suprised it didn’t take Pluto yet, but what you didn’t know is” everyone paying attention to you “there’s multiple versions of yourself, beck give me a fruit” “orange” “see, there’s another reality, deminsion- whatever where you said apple, or even lemon, or even grapefruit. Now let’s not get off topic, but there’s like four different deminsions, if you were to enter and go to earth, you’d probably find another one of yourself, maybe the same, maybe different, but there’s a reality, a dimension where you didn’t have gravity, where you don’t live on oxygen, where you don’t have to live on water, but as the time passes, things change, puberty, teeth, clothes, everything, so imagine before Christ, what was here?” “We don’t know” “read about it, anyways, not to get religious or anything but Adam and Eve, eve being the dumb person she is she ate the apple, then she tricked Adam into it, but god didn’t set up any kind of snake so where did it come from?” “Satan, who is a fallen angel, this makes absolutely no sense” “shut up and let me explain. Imagine a different deminsion, one where you can’t make mistakes because really, earth is what we make it, we as a community are fucking up this planet, so in the different dimension what are some things that would be in there, duchess” “I-uh, no plastic out in public for animals?” “Yes, good job, what else?” “Green grass” and a whole bunch of other answers. “Correct, but there has to be one bad thing right...? Sinning, we do sins everyday but we are human, but if we were in this dimension... that would be the definition of human, but why would god make this ‘black whole’? He must want us to go in, right? Or are we the adams, the eves, the fallen angels, the angels who are still here, having to face consequences. Getting sucked in this black whole makes you get lost, it’s obvious that we shouldn’t go in, because anyone who have probably died, because the black hole is everlasting, here, this is where we stay, the fifth deminsion is where you don’t go, thank you” Tracey slowly started to clap as everyone else did, some standing up as you turned around looking at the board, noticing you impulsively drew a lot of notes on it. “Well, that was a lesson but also some intresting theories, thanks for sharing y/n. I guess that sums it up” the teacher shrugs, “no actually the fifth deminsion is a five-dimensional space is a space with five dimensions. If interpreted physically, that is one more than the usual three spatial dimensions and the fourth dimension of time used in relativistic physics. It is an abstraction which occurs frequently in mathematics, where it is a legitimate construct,” you make you way back to the seat. “So you are a nerd! I fuckin knew it” Tracey whisper yelled. “I’m not a nerd!” “Oh you so are a nerd” “shut up duchess!”
It’s the day of the party, and you aren’t that exited.
You sighed “I’m not wearing this Tracey” you say, in the body con dress. “You look good!” “I look like a box” you glared at her, “you going just like that, let me-“ “your not doing my hair, leave it” you looked in the mirror “at least have a side part” “fine”
Most people dancing, others drinking, Tom, Tracey, drinking. “I’m not gonna ya know Uh-drink” “now that’s not y/n, I have never heard you say that before” “well maybe- fine” you shrugged, looking over you found a bowl full with pills, you sighed as you walked over, taking two handfuls and slipping them into your pocket, walking back over they both look at you as if your crazy “hey I’m gonna take my time with these!” They still looked at you crazy, Tom taking a sip of the beer. “I’m hungry” you muttered, going to the kitchen and opening the freezer getting pizza rolls, pulling out a pan and slapping a whole bunch on and popping them in the oven. While you waited you looked at the heavy pills in your pockets, taking one out you slipped it in your mouth, just curios. “Oh fuck me” you were clean for about a week, now giving up made you feel like a pussy, you waited for the pills to kick in, the purple and pink lights getting bigger and seeing spots “fuck- how psychedelic is this?” You asked yourself, your dirty converse helping you stand. “I should go upstairs” you whispered to yourself, this wasn’t that strong but the colors really got you.
The oven went off.
The beeps and the distant music, a smile across your face as your steps stuttered “excu me, haha!l you smiled, grabbing a towel and pulling out the hot pockets, grabbing a large bowl you put them in, making your way back to your friends Tracey was gone. “Heyyyy, where she goooo!” You said. “You don’t look okay, hot pockets?” Tom said. “Take one please” you slipped in your pocket and handed him a pill. “I can’t I have a job I’m not really suppose to be here-“ “it’ll make you so happy, look at me! I feel great, please” you now begged, his jaw clenched as he looked around, he put the beer down, taking the single pill and placing it in his tongue and swallowing “good let’s go upstairs!” You grabbed his hand, pulling him to the stairs and going up whole the other was filled with hot pockets.
You searched the rooms “oh-sorry!” Until you found a room, you pulled Tom in, closing the door behind both of you and locking it. The pill wasn’t strong for him either, so you both were pretty sober. ‘Tame impalas borderline song booming through the walls. “So?” He asked, throwing himself on the bed. “Aren’t you happy” you said, sitting on the bed, placing the pizza rolls down. “I don’t really feel anything honestly” he shrugged. “I have more” you smiled at him, taking two out. “Open” you smiled, he sat up and opened his mouth, placing his tongue out, you placed it right on it “don’t swallow” you placed one on yours. “Now” you both swallowed, sitting there as it really now hit you. “I hope you don’t become like me” “I really wanna kiss you” you looked at him confused. “I think your smartness is really, really sexy” “Thomas your high” “you are too” “I-“ you take out another one ‘god please don’t let me overdose’ you thought. “I’m not that high Thomas” “then join me” he took your hand, you looked at the pill, “this-this can’t hurt me, I’ve done more then-“ “please y/n, I don’t wanna be hanging here” you looked at him, eyes watering “I’m scared” “don’t be, I’m right here darling” he wiped your tears away. “I-I just don’t want to die” “you won’t, I’ll be here, I promise” “Tom your high right now, I” “take it” you looked at him then at the pill, putting it in your mouth you swallowed. “I don’t want to die” “it’s to late, you took it” he reminds you, were you imagining this whole thing? “I fucking love you, I want to fuck you” soon someone’s else’s face popped up, his name is bray “I love you, I’m so sorry” “you rapped me you prick, I hate you” he pinned you to the bed, the leds purple as his face was there, you spit in his face “I’m so sorry, I love you so much I did it because I love you- I-I’m sorry”
“Y/n? What’s happening” Tom said, you throwing up in the floor, he instantly sobered. “Get off me!” You screamed and bray, he is still pinning you on the bed. “Y/n!” You fell to the floor. “I love you so much, I did it all for you, for us” bray yelled at you, your heart feeling heavy. You body shook. “Y/n are you having a seizure?! Help! Help!” Tom screamed, your body on the floor shaking, laying down next to your vomit, you choking on it. “Please get off of me” you begged, tears falling down your cheeks as you gave up, your vision blurry. “Your gonna die, nobody is gonna morn you, 6 feet under, no one to save you, not even Spider-Man, you pussy” he smiled at your weak figure.
Tom pushed through people, finding Tracey “y/n is dying in need your help!” He screamed over the music, traceys bottle falling as he pulled her upstairs, “CALL 911! PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU!” Tracey screamed through the music, Tom pulling her to the room your body is on the ground, still shaking and choking on your spit, it made Tracey fall to her knees, “911 is being called I- how many did she take?” “Three full pills” Tom said, dropping to your side, trying to sit you up as he choked on his sobs “fuck,” he just looked at you.
You woke up.
Beep, beep, beep, beep.
You looked over and found duchess and Tracey, both of their eyes red and blankets covering their bodies, just starring at you. “What happened?” You asked. “You overdosed” a single tear ran down Toms face as he looked away from you. “We only knew each other for three days, why are you crying duchess?” You smiled. “I- I honestly don’t know, I feel like I knew you my whole life and seeing you, almost dead it just breaks me” “your parents couldn’t see you like this, they just went outside” “you guys slept overnight here?” “Yeah we did” Tracey weakly smiled. “I’m gonna sober, you don’t have to worry about me” “yes we do, we wanna help, and we are” Tom smiled at you, sitting next to you on the hospital bed, taking your hand and playing with your fingers. “I’m sorry” you whispered, tears filling your eyes as your parents came in. “It isn’t your fault” your mom reassured. “Yes it is, I just keep walking in these traps and I- I’m just slipping away piece by piece, what if I’m just cheating death, what if I’m not supposed to be here?” You said, the tears now collapsing. “Don’t say that, we aren’t losing you” Tom whispered, the 19 year old looking down at the 18 year old, not losing her yet.
He doesn’t know why he feels this way about you, he just got hooked, it was amazing at first but know that he knows what’s going on is even better, letting him seeing you vulnerable is making baby steps into something, right?
“Yeah sat next to this pretty girl and she said what’s your problem. I told her im Spider-Man, your fuckin nuts she said, then she turned to her friend who is the most intelligent, beautifulest girl I’ve ever laid my eyes on, then she found out who I was, called me duchess, yeah I had the best three days, then left, but hey that’s how I have my girlfriend now” everyone clapped and let out some ‘aws’ “and you met this girl at the school you say?” Graham Norton says. “Yep she was a senior, 18” “the one who called you fuckin nuts or?” Jake said making everyone laugh “no the one who cracked my code under 20 minutes, and ya know it’s crazy, I had a good accent but she found out!” He stuck his hands out and everyone laughed again. “Hey you went to a genius school didn’t you” “yeah... she is one genius still to this day”
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but-first--tea ¡ 5 years ago
LFRP: Omori Kaya
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Full name: Omori Kaya
Pronunciation: Oh-Moh-Ree   Kay-Uh  (Omori is her surname, Kaya is her given name)
Nicknames: n/a
Height:  5'6" (quite tall for a midlander hyur)
Age:  “A lady never reveals her age.” (adult)
Nameday: 32nd Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon
Languages: Doman, Common
Occupation: Not getting caught.
Current Residence: "Traveling abroad.“ (Basically living a tourist’s life in Eorzea, hoping to never be called out as the fraud she is. She’ll spend time as someone’s guest here, staying in a hotel elsewhere the next month, etc…)
Relationship Status: While she has never actually been married, the identity of the woman she pretends to be is a young widow and heiress. (Single)
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Pale, silvery grey
Skin tone: Fair
Body type: Slender, athletic but not in an obvious way.
Scars: none
Accent: Doman
Poised, athletic– though she’s no master shinobi, she is her mother’s daughter. Her training began at the age of four, and it’s still evident in the way she moves, observes, and behaves. Others who have trained would likely notice it easily. She carries herself with quiet dignity, and moves (or refuses to) deliberately, as if she expects each action to be read for significance, and takes great care not to reveal too much unintentionally. Though, in the very rare instances when she lets down her guard, this facade can fade away, revealing that she’s still a girl who can be amused, and charmed, and is easily mesmerized by beautiful places and things.  
She’s almost never seen without jewelry, though all of it is merely decorative– the trappings of the life she’s stepped into. None of it is personal, or carries meaning beyond appearing as she’s expected to.
Her taste ranges from the classically dramatic to the outright exotic- not out of a sense of vanity, but in an appreciation of what is more or less wearable art.  She most frequently wears black and white, though she also favors blue and occasionally red. In keeping with her heritage, she tends toward modesty in her dress. Of course, most of these clothes once belonged to a woman whose identity she has stolen, and she’s begun to add Eorzean fashions to her wardrobe to stand out less.  The more she blends in, the fewer questions about her past she needs to dodge...
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Place of Birth: Doma
Siblings: none she knows of
Parents: The samurai Masanari and an Imperial Shadow named Harue, though Kaya has never known her biological father, as she was still less than a year old when he disappeared.
Upbringing: Raised initially by her mother, and later trained by grandmother once her affinity for magic became apparent. (More details can be found in her character history.)
Outwardly, she is polite and mysterious, with a demeanor ranging from businesslike toward strangers, to an unexpected sort of mischievous and rebellious streak around the rare soul she’s begun to feel comfortable around. She’s evasive and distant. She rarely connects with others easily, which leads to most people assuming she’s either very shy, or rather snobbish, at first impression. She doesn’t trust easily, isn’t prone to showing any emotion in public if she can avoid it, and is often the one who, from an outward appearance, seems to be just another quiet wallflower enjoying the view.
Beneath the surface, however, she feels everything perhaps far too much, watches everyone with the wariness of someone who knows all too well what people are capable of, and deeply craves the connections to others she doesn’t seem to be able to form easily. She’s always searching for the few who can see the world the way she does- as something equally beautiful as it is deadly, meant to be lived in, not just endured. She’s a powder keg of passions always kept under a tight lid, hidden away for safe keeping.
Still, she is difficult to anger, and it’s a cold anger when it happens. She knows that engaging in violence and revealing her training would likely break character entirely, and being discovered as a fraud wouldn’t end well for her. As a result, she’ll try to think her way out of any situation, instead.
If asked what she wants more than anything else in the world, she’d probably say to be able to do what she wanted, not what she was told, or allowed, or expected to. She craves freedom in all its definitions, but nearly always denies it to herself out of fear or pragmatism. While playing the role of a young, noble heiress she feels the restraints of her gilded cage all too keenly. She must behave in the way one raised to the role would be expected to. As a result, she finds small ways to rebel that aren’t likely to be noticed. Her fierce and defiant nature, thus repressed, will see her doing seemingly pointless things like rearranging the furniture in hotel rooms, stealing small items she could easily afford, or finding ways to secretly get even with those who have behaved poorly.
Financial Status
Ostensibly wealthy, though not one gil of it was ever truly hers. Still, she feels no guilt in obtaining the Omori family’s accounts considering they would have otherwise been seized by the Garlean government following Lord Omori’s assassination.
She has been quietly seeking a way to invest ‘her’ money in a way that would  divorce it from her stolen inheritance, make it more truly hers, and greatly reduce the risk of losing everything should her false identity be uncovered.
While she was raised to the blade and bow for most of her childhood, she hides her training and doesn’t carry a weapon openly, if at all. If cornered and forced to defend herself, she’d mostly likely attempt to disarm an opponent and steal theirs, or improvise.
Seemingly none, as she has striven to present herself as a woman of proper graces. However, she is prone to self-indulgence and spending far too much gil merely because she can, which she considers a vice in herself and tries to resist.
People who are intelligent, interesting, vibrantly passionate and alive. Watching people do things that require specialized skill, especially combat training or constructing something.
Constructive debate and interesting challenge. Trying/learning new things.
Music, dancing. She’s often wished she could play an instrument, but has never learned to.
Nature, gardens, fireflies, birds, waterfalls, the ocean/seaside. Traveling to anywhere with a spectacular view or vibrant culture. Learning about said cultures.
Exotic spiced foods or just about anything she hasn’t tasted before that doesn’t look absolutely disgusting. Tea. Fruits, chocolate, and spiced cider or tea. Have I mentioned tea?
Unusual crystals and/or gemstones. While she’s generally unfazed by wealth or status, she appears to be positively mesmerized by sparklies.
Politics, rumor mongering, cattiness, insults, and general poor behavior.
People who think getting drunk is the best kind of fun to be had.
Addictive drugs, and those who sell them.
Being forced to do anything, feeling not in control over her own life.
Overly objectifying unwanted attention, awkward social situations/obligations/expectations.
Being cold, biting insects.
Reading, especially the arcane.
Learning the history of different places and cultures.
Collecting small, easily transportable items (generally clothing or jewelry) in local styles from each new place she visits.
Pets: None, currently.  She once had a magpie as a pet when she was younger, and maintains a fondness for birds of all kinds.
She’s looking (quietly) for a way to launder, er... invest her money to gradually eliminate the need to rely on her stolen identity and foreign contacts for access to funds. Have an opportunity?
A trusted lady’s maid, retainer, or guard type to help her maintain appearances. 
It’s possible that someone from her past in Doma might recognize her, or perhaps have known the real Omori Kaya.
The woman she is impersonating is an ill-fit for her. She is fierce, independent, and rebellious... the exact opposite of the demure and soft character her stolen identity demands. But, her mother risked everything to secure her new identity, and she won’t cast it off unless forced to. Still, she isn’t perfect. Someone could catch her in a mistake, and become curious...
The Lady Omori Kaya appears elegant, mysterious, ...and wealthy. Potential suitors aren’t unlikely. (Romance is an option, though she’ll be hard to pin down at first, for obvious reasons.)
She has a (stolen) soulstone in her possession, and has been working to unlock its secrets. 
Open to brainstorming other connections, past associations, or jumping into -your- existing plot!
I make my own schedule. I can be available pretty much any time from 8 am to 9pm CST. Sadly, I can rarely do late nights because I need to do that sleeping thing.
OOC communication is a priority for me.
I have been RPing for 20+ years. I am comfortable with both in game or Discord RP, and anything from short, quick posts to multi para. I do this because I enjoy writing!
I am not interested in random ERP outside of a long-term character interaction. I do love writing ships as long as there's strong chemistry between the characters, and both the character and the writer of said character are mature adults. However,I will not consider ships with alt or AU characters, as this is my one and only RP character. (No multi-shipping.)
I prefer a RP style that works with what is plausible within the scope of the lore. I'm open to creativity, as long as it makes sense. I prefer to stay away from void-heavy, AU, inserts from other universes, and anything involving cross-breeding with non-playable races/beings. (These are only my personal preferences, and everyone else is free to do whatever they like!)
Absolutely no: rape, harm to children, or graphic torture.
I do enjoy game content as well, and prefer company over doing so alone! I am currently sitting in my own personal FC house, but would consider joining a real FC if it makes sense for my character. 
Confession: I probably spend way too much time decorating virtual houses. 
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regular-nessian-trash ¡ 5 years ago
It’s Vegas, Baby - Chapter III
Summary: We learn a bit more about Nesta and Cassians backstory’s, and we see a friendship begin to bloom between Nessian.
TW: Assault, Drugs, Drinking, Rape
A/N: yaaay i finally finished this chapter lmao hope yall enjoy
Nesta was humming along to the tune of Bad Reputation by Joan Jett while getting ready for work. Even though her coworkers were a pain in her ass, she loved her job. She could still remember the day she met Rhys, not knowing that his family would become her own. She thought he wouldn’t know much about hiring employees -considering when she applied for the job, the actual title was “Classy Go-Go Girl”- so she was going to try and smooth talk her way to a bigger salary. He saw right through her, though, and offered her the job for the original salary.  She scoffed at first, but because money was tight for her and Feyre she took the job. Not that she would ever say it out loud, but being hired by Rhys was the best thing to happen to her and Feyre. They had moved to the city after she had escaped Tomas and by the time he had found her she was already doing so well in the city and they didn’t need his money to survive. She was free. But of course, all good things must come to an end. Tomas started saying she owed him for all the years of protection and street cred she got from dating him. That was when he had started coming to her place of work and harassing her. She couldn’t do anything about it, though. He had made a name for himself on the streets. That was why she had fallen for him. He had the whole bad boy thing going for him. And if Nesta was anything, she was a romantic. He had her hooked on the whole bad boy act. Never. Again. In all the romance novels it’s cute, but when you actually experience it first-hand… “Hey, Nessie? I’m heading to The Court now. You almost ready?” Mor questioned, interrupting Nesta's train of thought. The Court is what they all called Rhys’s club. It was actually called The Night Court, but their group was all about nicknames. “Yeah, I’m almost ready!” Nesta called back while she slipped on her dirty white high top Chuck Taylors. The shoes she had to wear for work were so uncomfortable, so she put off wearing them until the absolute last moment, usually right before she clocked in. Sure she looked like the star of a kids T.V. show from the 2000s in her dress and converse, but at least she was comfortable. Nesta quickly ran to the elevator with her heels in hand just as Mor stepped in and was about to let the door to the elevator close. Nesta was about to yell at Mor to stick her hand through the doors when Mor just smirked and let them shut. Nesta quickly hit Mor's contact on her phone and called her. “Hey, Nessie! I noticed you looked a little sleepy, so I thought you would wake up a little standing around waiting.” “I hate you. I will stand here and wait for the elevator and never will I ever hold the doors for you ever again.” “Really, Nessie? You are the most over dramatic person I have ever met.” “You love it.” “Apparently, so does Cassian.” “Mor-” Morrigan hung up, giggling. Nesta pressed the elevator button for what seemed like the thousandth time. She was so grateful to hear the ding, and when the doors opened she practically jumped in. After checking her phone, she realized if she drove like a madwoman on the highway she would still be late. Damn her and her nostalgia. The elevator doors opened revealing a guilty-looking Mor waiting by the car. That guilt quickly morphed into a smirk when she saw Nesta's annoyed smirk. “Thanks for making me late, asshole.” “No problem, bestie! Besides, Rhys won’t fire you. If he does, we can all disown him! Except maybe Feyre. She will probably be on his side.” “Let's just go.” ~~~~ Cassian was pacing the floor of the staff room. Nesta was late. She was never late. Something happened to her and he was willing to bet those assholes that harass her every week had something to do with it. He had to call the police. He had to do something. Cassian pulled his phone out, ready to call someone when he was interrupted by Rhys. “Hey, Cass? Nesta’s gonna be late today, Mor just called saying she made Nesta wait for the elevator for, like, five minutes. You can stop pacing. Damn, you’ve got it bad.” Rhys walked away giggling like a middle schooler. “Hey! I don’t have a crush on Nesta, you bastard!” Cassian yelled after Rhys. “Well, I would certainly hope not! That would ruin our group dynamic!” Mor yelled at Cassian, with Nesta hot on her heels. “Says the girl who came up with the ship name Nessian. I still think it should be Cesta, by the way.” Cassian quips. “Well, Cesta sounds stupid. Mostly because a cesta is a type of basket.” Mor replies, before leaving to go get a drink. While all this was going on, Nesta was putting on her heels and getting ready to go out and get people to buy more drinks. Before she left, though, Cassian tried to think of something to say to her. “So, Nesta, still single?” Damn. He was an idiot. Why did he ask her that? “So, Cassian, still a grade-A asshole? Because don’t think for one second that you could get in my-” “Sorry! I’m sorry! Jeez. I was just making small talk. Apparently, you are, but I already knew that. Considering the way you blush at the mere thought of me.” Cassian finished with a smirk, making Nesta's blood boil. “The only reason I blush in your presence is because your insufferable male ego takes up so much space that it gets too stuffy and difficult to breathe whenever you get close to me!” “So you admit being close to me makes you blush?” Cassian wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. “Ugh! Goodbye, you impossible prick.” Nesta walked away, Cassian watching her back the whole time as she began talking to the patrons. ~~~~ Nesta could feel Cassian watching her as she spoke with all the customers. Surprisingly, Tomas and his lackeys didn’t show up. Maybe he was finally leaving her alone. Nesta was so deep in thought that she barely heard all the sexist remarks coming from one table in particular. It seemed to be full of a bunch of rich kids. The tips would hopefully be good. Nesta made her way over to the boys, and barely registered the look in their eyes. She was used to it by now. What Nesta was not used to was how forward they were. “Hello, darling. We’ll have three whiskeys, neat.” “I’ll make sure to let one of the waiters know, darling.” Nesta hated these guys already. Misogynistic pigs. She put on her overly sweet smile and walked away. She went to go find Mor, knowing that Rhys wouldn’t get mad at her. “Nessie! How’s work? Wait, don’t tell me. Those guys you were just talking to asked you to get them their drink.” “Yep. Honestly, Rhys should have thought about what customers would think if he had girls walking up to tables, talking to them.” “Between you and me, I think he only created that position because he had a crush on Feyre and she told him you were job hunting.” “Honestly, that’s probably true. Cause Feyre was the one to tell me about the job after she met Rhys at the coffee shop.” “Okay, well I gots to go party for a bit. Come see me after your shift is over!” “Bye, Mor!” Nesta walked away and noticed one of the guys, the one who ordered the drinks, was waving her over. Great. She sighed and tried to walk as slowly as she could, without it seeming obvious. “Hello, boys. Is there something I can help you with?” “Why don’t you sit down with us. We can have a bit of fun.” “No thank you, I’m working right now.” “C’mon! We don’t bite! Unless you ask…” The guys sitting with him started snickering, that was when Nesta decided she’d had enough. “Sir, if you don’t start to respect my answer to your question I will have you and your boyfriends escorted out by security. Don’t make me say no again.” She tried not to flinch when he stood up close to her, she could smell the alcohol on his breath. They must have been bar hopping if he was already this drunk. She turned to walk away when suddenly there was a hand grabbing onto her ass. She was about to tell him off, but he roughly grabbed her face and smooshed his mouth against hers. She pulled away, gagging. Tears stinging her eyes as she was brought back to the night she broke up with Tomas. The sound of ripping clothes filled her ears. The pure undiluted rage in Tomas’s eyes when she pushed him off her. Suddenly, Cassian was there calling her name. She could see Mor pushing through the crowd that had gathered around her, repeating the dumb nickname she gave her. And on the floor, unconscious, was the guy who assaulted her. Oh, gods. Assault. It was happening again. She must have been pure evil in her past life because she had no idea what she had done in this life to deserve all this bad karma. “Nesta? Nesta, please, answer me. Nesta?” That was Cassian's voice. Cassian. He was here. “Take me home, Cassian. Please.” She cursed herself for sounding so weak. “Of course, Sweetheart.” He didn’t say his little pet name the way he usually did though. He sounded concerned. They walked out to Cassain's car in silence. Nesta couldn’t hold back the tears anymore. She let them fall freely as she stepped into Cassian's car. Too shaken up by the whole experience to care if he thought she was weak. “Nesta, I know we aren’t the best of friends, but I want you to know I’m here for you. I may not know what it’s like being a woman, but I didn’t have the best childhood. I know abuse, so if you ever want to talk, call me. Based on your reaction, this wasn't the first time.” “My ex-boyfriend.” “What about him?” “He tried to rape me when I broke up with him. He was abusive. So I left. He caught me leaving with my suitcases, though. He got really mad and pushed me into the wall and started to taunt me. Telling me I’d never make it without him. That I needed him to survive. That Feyre needed him. Elain needed him. I pushed him off me, but he just pushed me harder into the wall and ripped my clothes off. Then I tried to run again, but he punched me. We got into a fight, but I managed to hit him over the head and run. Feyre was waiting for me in her car, and we both just drove.” “My birth mom was a druggie. She got pregnant from some guy she couldn’t remember. She used to hit me and tell me she wished she got rid of me. I still have a scar on my arm from where she put out her cigarette once when she was pissed at me. Then, one day she overdosed and killed herself. I was thrown into the system. That’s how I met Rhys and Azriel. In highschool, Rhys’s mom fostered me. Then she started to foster Az.” “I’m sorry you had to go through that with your birth mother. My mom died when I was young, and my dad lost his job a couple of years later. Feyre began working because Elain wished to go to college. That was when I started dating that guy. He knew we were in deep shit, so he started paying for everything for us. He even paid for Elain to go to college. The only thing is, now he seems to think we owe him for all the stuff he did for us.” Nesta didn’t know why she was telling Cassian all this. He was just so easy to talk to. “Damn. What an asshole.” “Yeah… Looks like we’re here. Thanks, Cassian. Truly.” “No problem. It’s not like we’re going to get fired for ditching.” “True… Hey, do you wanna come up and maybe watch a movie or something? If not that’s okay too! You don’t have to...” “Hey, Nesta, as long as you have popcorn and Dirty Dancing I’m in.” “Lucky for you, I have both of those. Also, Dirty Dancing is one of my favorite movies so we would have been watching that anyway.” “Well, Sweetheart, you’ll be pleased to know that Dirty Dancing is my favorite guilty pleasure movie.” ~~~~ Mor pulled up at their apartment complex, not expecting to see Cassian's car parked in one of the visitor spots. She stepped into the elevator, eager to see Nesta. Cassian had whisked her away to his car before she got the chance to see if she was alright. Once the doors of the elevator had opened into their penthouse, first Mor noticed that Dirty Dancing was playing on their flatscreen. Then Mor noticed that both Nesta and Cassian were cuddling on the couch, fast asleep. Mor quickly took a picture then snuck into her room. She could talk to Nesta about what had happened at the Court tonight tomorrow. For now, she decided to just let the enemies to lovers trope play out.  
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thestuckylibrary ¡ 5 years ago
Group Ask 150
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Please send us an ask stating which group ask and which person you are replying to. Thank you so much in advance!
diurnaldays said:
I can't seem to find this one stucky soulmate AU that interwove fictionalized historical documents and academic papers into the narrative as a form of worldbuilding? And a scene early into the fic depicted Steve talking to a priest about a grieving ritual he could undertake now that he'd lost his soulmate (Bucky). There was also a major plot point where Steve used his soulmate bond to help the Winter Soldier recover his memories and become Bucky again.
princessniitza and Anon sent in The Ties That Bind by Odsbodkins (complete | 26,609 | E )
Anon 1 said:
Hello, I can’t seem to find a stucky fic where in post-WS, Bucky can’t figure out why Steve seems to be avoiding him or being strained around him, only for him to suddenly remember breaking Steve’s heart the night before he shipped out so Steve wouldn’t be left missing him and possibly never moving on. After confronting Steve with this they make up and its happy! I really remember loving it but I can’t find it for the life of me! Hope I have enough detail!
dolphinqueen10 sent in Remember Me by prisma134 (oneshot | 18,040 | M)
Anon 2 said:
Hi I’m looking for that fic after TWS where at Steve’s house/appt Bucky has relapses into the Soldier, but every time Steve sees it happening he acts like he isn’t a threat. He changes his body language to relaxed, he doesn’t go defensive, etc. Eventually Bucky realizes what is happening but it works anyway??
dolphinqueen10 sent in No Such Thing as Fighting Dirty by leveragehunters (Monkeygreen) (oneshot | 3,878 | T)
dreamsbeyondlife said: (dubcon/noncon)
Hey, do you guys know the fic where Bucky asks Steve for things by having sex with him? Bucky thinks Steve is his handler and that they have to have sex so he can get "rewards".
possibleplatypus sent in Uberrima Fidei* by asocialconstruct (oneshot | 3,075 | E) *rape/noncon, htp
capnstverogrs said:
hi! im looking for a fic where after steve’s mom dies, who works as a nurse, erskine adopts steve and he tried to go through med school but just wanted to do art? and so he does medical illustrations but then his boss peggy makes him go deal with the house erskine left steve when he died which he doesnt address until 4 years later or something
abarbaricyalp sent in Through The Woods by alby_mangroves, recalibrates (complete | 64,082 | E)
Anon 3 said:
Hey! I've lost a fic and I'd appreciate any help in finding it. It was a oneshot smut piece, from Bucky's pov. Steve is lying on a couch and acts all indifferent while Bucky basically gets off on top of him? It's only an act and he's actually turned on as well, which is revealed after Bucky's orgasm. It had definitely post-serum Steve, and I'm fairly certain it happened in avengers' tower, but it might also have been modern au piece.
possibleplatypus sent in raise the flag by mcwho (oneshot | 957 | M)
Anon 4 said: (infidelity)
Hi! I’m looking for a fic where Bucky and Steve are getting married, but Steve meets Peggy when he is taking dance classes for the wedding and she’s the instructor, and he starts having feelings for her. Stucky ending though. And I think I remember Steve not having the serum and it all being set in an alternate 1930s universe where gay people could get married. And I think Bucky’s family owned a furniture shop?? And Steve’s mum was dying. Hope you can help, cause I have tried everything :(
Anon 5 said:
Hi! I have been searching for a Stucky fic I read a while ago (can't remember if it was here or Ao3) but one of them is a struggling artist, and they meet when their art is blown into the road and the wealthier one helps them pick it up and they start a sugar daddy type relationship. If you could find it, it would be amazing!
Anon 6 said:
hi! I'm looking for a fic that's post winter soldier and at one point Steve and Bucky are in one of Bucky's old safehouses and Steve wears pearls he found there while they have sex I'm sorry this is so vague thx for the hard work
Anon 7 said:
hey! I'm looking for a wrong number fic where steve accidentally calls bucky for advice on how to flirt with the cute guy at the bar but it ends up being him?
bennettmp339 and dolphinqueen10 sent in Slide To Answer by relenafanel (series, complete | 13,064 | T)
Anon 8 said:
Thank you for this amazing resource! I’m looking for an AU fic in which a WinterSoldier Bucky is on a mission & meets up with a teenage BlackWidow Natasha whom he trained & she’s trying to impress him but also angry & rebellious. I remember she surprises him by climbing into his car & he comments on her choice of clothing; a bright puffer jacket that clashes with her hair.
Anon 9 said:
This is a very specific ask, but earlier today I started reading a oneshot in which Bucky was suffering from PTSD and something happens that triggers the winter soldier memories. I had literally only just started and I accidentally closed my browser. Could you please help me find it? I think it had something to do with some song too. Thank you so much.
Anon 10 said:
Hi there, a while ago I read a fic where Cap!Steve becomes a really good cook when he wakes up in the 21st century bc all the food is new and all the Avengers are really surprised that he likes to cook. I think he visits a restaurant in koreatown nyc a lot? Hopefully you can find it, thanks!
princessniitza sent in The Way to a Man's Heart by Niitza, whatthefoucault (oneshot | 43,837 | T)
shadow-of-a-whisper said:
I'm looking for the Stucky fic where Winter Soldier breaks into a woman's apartment to wait for Steve to show up. She was the owner of the truck Steve and Nat "borrowed" to go to Camp Leahigh, which was presumably blown to smithereens. WS knows Steve will visit her to try to pay for the truck. When he does show up, she tries to warn him. There's a dramatic angsty reunion where nobody gets hurt.
Anon 11 said:
hey sorry, i have two fics in mind that i can’t for the life of me find. there was this one fic where steve gets eaten by rats, that’s all i can remember sorry. and the other was one where steve used to go to a bunch of gay bars and stuff and i think he had a drag queen friend named marlene? i’m p sure him and rohdey dated for a lil but and i think it had pepper/tony/rohdey
awolfnamedaliac and Anon sent in the Kept Boy* by moonythejedi394, Neutralchaos (WIP | 203,653 | E) *rape/noncon, sex work, heed the tags
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anthracenes ¡ 5 years ago
Passion-Based Learning | Chapter 5
Tags/Trigger Warnings: Non-Con/Rape, Hypnosis, Hypnotism, Abuse of Authority, Conditioning, Dehumanization, Master/Pet, Master/Slave, Dom/sub, Brainwashing, Praise Kink, Anal Sex, Manipulation, Objectification, Creampie, Implied/Reference Incest, Step-Parent/Step-Child Incest, Cock Rings, Orgasm Delay/Denial
[read on AO3 here]
After sending Isaac home for the day, Wilfred closes and locks the front door behind him.
He strolls through the foyer, the living room, and past the empty kitchen—traversing nearly the entirety of the first floor alone, all the way towards the staircase in the back. Though he knows of the lovely surprise he’s kept waiting for him, Wilfred is in no real hurry to actually get to it. He’s slow to climb the winding flight of steps leading to his bedroom.
All the while, he can't help but think of Isaac. As Wilfred makes his way up, his mind continues to replay over and over again the sinful, mesmerizing acts shared between him and his new “student”. He thinks back to those big brown eyes: soft pools of melted honey, staring up at him with such innocence through the boy’s long lashes. Warm and oh-so-trusting till the very end, when they had glazed over as Isaac beautifully submits to him.
And who could forget such creamy thighs—wrapped around his shoulders like a vice, pulling him in closer as he plowed through the boy’s virgin-tight body?
Goosebumps prickle at his skin as Wilfred recalls the absolute thrill of it. The boy’s reaction at the end is all but icing on the cake. What matters to him more is successfully instilling in his student the suggestion to let go and obey—to crave the feeling of sitting back, surrendering both mind and body to his tutor during these little “breaks”. Once he has Isaac addicted to this, it will be mere moments before the boy is his; and by that point, it won’t matter how he reacts in the end. Wilfred could reveal everything to Isaac then, and the poor boy will still be all but helpless on his knees for him.
Two lovely pets, both under his complete and utter control.
Wilfred couldn’t wait for the day to come. He’s only certain his little kitten feels the same way.
Eventually, Wilfred reaches the end of the narrow corridor leading to his bedroom. Turning his attention to the silver knob in his hand, he gently pushes open the door.
“Here, little kitty,” he calls, smiling. “Master’s back.”
Inside, his “surprise” lays splayed out on top of his bed. Naked, of course—save for the weighted clamps biting down on his pink, puffy nipples, and the collar snug around his neck. His kitten’s thighs are spread wide open for him on the mattress, giving Wilfred a lovely view of the thick vibrator he slides in and out of his hole. His prick stands tall and pretty between parted legs, drooling all over him as it strains against his cock ring.
His head, lolled to the side in mindless bliss, perks up at the sound of his master’s voice.
Wilfred walks over to the bed beside him. The clothes he had him wear to greet Isaac had since been discarded on the floor, tucked neatly in a little corner away from the bed. His kitten must have been so uncomfortable having to pretend to be human, even for such a short amount of time, that he must have shed them here immediately after. Even still, he’s carried everything out so nicely that Wilfred has little to complain about. The performance he had given them all was stellar, given the truth of the matter. And he’s even gone above and beyond his orders here—putting on his collar and clamps all on his own, knowing just what to do to please his master.
Such obedience begs to be properly rewarded.
Gathering his kitten’s face in his hands, he leans in for a taste. The kiss between them is sloppy and rough, just the way he likes it: lips and tongues grinding against one another in a fervent, heated passion as Wilfred plunders his mouth. He relishes the little sounds he receives from his pet, who’s long abandoned playing with his toy in favor of wrapping his arms around him—pawing desperately at his face, his hair, his chest, his back. When he pulls away from the boy, Wilfred admires the adorable way his lips tremble, glistening with saliva in the pale light of the room.
He doesn’t need to look hard to notice the flush that had crept onto his skin, or the way his bound cock twitches with wanton need in between his legs.
“My… eager today aren’t we?” Wilfred smiles, nipping at his lips. “Were you that lonely, kitten? Waiting here for me, all on your own?”
Alex nods, mewling. His pet nuzzles insistently at him, rubbing his face against his fingers.
Wilfred chuckles. He narrows his eyes as he slides his fingers past his kitten’s cheeks and drags them onto his hungry lips.
“Well. Why don’t you show me how much you’ve missed your master, then?”
His kitten eagerly takes them in his mouth, licking and sucking on the digits like there’s nothing else he’s ever meant to do in life. He closes his eyes, moaning around them as he starts to couple the act with other sensations—tugging at the weights dangling from his chest, stuffing himself silly with the toy again.
“Good boy…” Wilfred purrs, sighing as he pets the boy’s head. “You’ve become such a good kitty for me now, haven’t you?”
The sight of such a submissive display from his pet only excites Wilfred. There is such a marked difference from the way the boy had been their very first meeting together, and it only highlights just how far his pet had come since then. It’s a blessing that Wilfred had come and “fixed” him just when he had. His mother, the weak-willed woman, had only spoiled the brat rotten all these years. Were it not for him, there’s no telling what type of trouble the little wretch would be getting into otherwise—what with that mouthy attitude, and his blatant disrespect for his elders.
Now, though? Now, his stepson is nothing if not an absolute dream.
A mindless, cum-thirsty little kitten, who lives only to please and serve.
He takes his fingers away from his pet, eliciting a desperate whine from the boy. Before he could go on to protest anymore, however, Wilfred flips him over face down—lifting his hips up and pinning his wrists down onto the mattress. He traces the curve of his lovely ass, rubbing soft, sensual circles with the flat of his digits before surprising his pet with a loud, harsh smack.
“Now, now... we’ve gone over this before, pet,” Wilfred whispers, voice thick and husky in the boy’s ear. “Well-behaved little kitties don’t complain like that now, do they?”
He rubs the sore bottom before giving it another hard spank.
“What should you do instead, when you want to ask Master for something nice?”
Alex keens at the assault on his buttocks. If the way he’d moaned just now hadn’t already signaled how much he had enjoyed his punishment, the way his cock twitches and leaks precum all over the sheets certainly does. He’s long been made receptive to Wilfred’s every touch—mind heavily altered and played with, to crave every bit of pain and pleasure his master wishes to hand him.
Everything Wilfred does to his body now feels nothing short of good.
“Forgive me, I… please…” he breathes, in between heavy panting. “I… I want… in me… please…”
“What’s that?” Wilfred tugs hard on a weighted clamp, causing his kitten to cry out from under him. “I can’t hear you at all. Come now, Alex, speak up for me. Tell Master what you need, properly.”
“Please, Master!” Alex cries, shamelessly begging him. “I need your cock inside me, please…!”
Wilfred chuckles, letting go of the weight. He removes the clamps off his pet’s chest altogether, taking a swollen nipple and rolling it gently in between his fingers. With his other hand, he grabs the vibrator and slides it out of the boy, turning it off.
“I do love it when my kitten purrs so prettily.”
Wilfred unfastens his slacks, just enough to pull his hard cock out from within while still leaving the clothing on him. He doesn’t bother grabbing the lube from his nightstand either, seeing as how his pet had done well to prepare himself already—judging by how slick and gaping his hole is for him. He strokes himself off before lining up at the boy’s entrance.
“You did good out there today… I couldn’t be more proud of you. Good kitties like you deserve to be rewarded once in a while, don’t they?”
His pet mewls, nodding.
“Well then, what are we waiting for?” Wilfred grins, gripping his pet tightly. “Here’s your reward, little kitty.”
With a quick thrust of his hips, he shoves himself in. Both Wilfred and Alex moan in unison as his cock twitches deep inside the boy, buried up to the hilt. Wilfred holds himself there, steady and fully seated inside his kitten’s fluttering hole. He makes no effort to move, casually taking the time to enjoy the warm, wet heat of his body while he watches his pet strain to keep from rutting back.
“Don’t move, darling. Stay. You know who’s in control, don’t you?”
Alex nods, shivering.
“Who do you belong to, Alex?”
“You, Master,” the boy manages. “I’m yours, a… all yours…”
“Do you want to cum?”
“Only if... Master wishes for it…”
Wilfred smiles, pleased at his kitten’s complete obedience. He knows there’s simply no turning back from here. There’s no undoing the months of sex and abuse he had heaped onto his stepson’s body; certainly no undoing the fact that he had long taken his virginity. His kitten can’t even get it up without a cock in either hole now. Even if he could erase the suggestions rooted firmly in his mind, there’s no way his pet would ever go on to enjoy a normal life after all of this.
He starts thrusting in earnest, then. In and out at a brutal pace, fucking his kitten hard into the mattress and making the boy gasp and writhe around him. He slides back, almost pulling out completely before slamming back inside, over and over again.
“That’s right. You’re mine, Alex. My pet, for me to use as I wish,” Wilfred whispers in his ear. “Your mind, your body, your orgasms, your pleasure… only I decide what to do with it all. And for you, there is no greater pleasure in life than that now, is there?”
His kitten shakes his head. He’s mewling happily as he gets to rut back and forth, driving his cock deeper into his unresisting body.
“To let go and take everything I give you, without a single thought in that empty little brain. It’s the highest honor a pet like you could ever have. And now you’ll help me bestow it on our new student too, won’t you?
“What do you say, Alex? A new little pup for you and I to play with. How does that sound?”
“Yes, yes yes...” his pet moans, rolling his eyes back. “Please, Master, please…”
Wilfred holds his kitten tight as he feels himself nearing orgasm. He reaches down front, smearing the boy’s own fluids all over his bound prick before tugging at the cock ring.
“I’m going to fill you up, kitten,” he grunts. “Nice and full. I want you to feel me deep inside of you, as you come on my cock. That will be your reward for such a brilliant performance.”
His pet merely sobs in gratitude, too far gone for words at this point.
Wilfred slides the ring off of him as he reaches his own climax. Immediately his pet cries out, cock pulsing as he shoots ropes and ropes of white onto his hand. The feeling of his kitten clenching down on him is so good, Wilfred is content to stay that way on top of him for a while—allowing that beautiful hole to milk him dry.
They collapse on the bed, not long after. Wilfred holds his stepson close as they both come down, panting heavily and catching their breaths together. Up close, he watches as his kitten closes his eyes, fast asleep in his master’s arms. He must have been so exhausted from the day’s activities, to have succumbed to sleep so quickly like that.
Wilfred chuckles. He pats his head gently, smiling as he murmurs sweet nothings into the sleeping boy’s ears. Alex is permanently, irreversibly ruined, now—incapable of being anything other than the dumb little pet Wilfred had meant for him to be.
And pretty soon, Isaac will be too.
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fanficshiddles ¡ 6 years ago
What are you? One shot
Thank you for the prompt! Had a lot of fun with this one, hehe. Warnings: Rape/Non-con!
Anonymous said:
Loki as a demon, chasing you. He captures you and takes you against your will. But it’s the best sex ever you end up summoning him again and again.
Emma couldn’t shake the odd feeling she had as soon as she walked into the bar. It felt like there was someone watching her, but she couldn’t quite place the weird feeling.
She tried to ignore it and just concentrate on having a good time with her friends, but every so often she felt a weird shiver down her spine. Like a cold breeze just blew over her.
‘Are you alright, Em? You look a bit pale.’ Her friend asked.
‘Yeah, I’m good.’ She assured her friend, nodding.
‘Hey, there’s a hotty at twelve o clock who can’t seem to tear his eyes off of you!’ Her other friend said, motioning behind her.
Emma turned around in her chair and felt her heart skip a few beats. There was an incredibly handsome man in the corner, watching her. He had long black hair, beautiful green eyes with sharp cheekbones. His face was like a sculptor. He was wearing a suit, all black with leather gloves. Which she found a little odd for indoors but never the less he was smoking hot!
He raised his glass up and nodded in her direction, winking at her.
Emma turned back around to face her friends, they all had a big smirk on their faces.
‘Your face is bright red. Go on over there, it’s time you got some time in the sack!’ Her friends giggled.
‘No way am I going over there!’ Emma shook her head and tried to concentrate on her drink, hoping her friends would give up soon.
‘Well, how about he comes over here instead?’
‘Yeah, I’d like to see you try getting him over.’ Emma scoffed.
‘No need. He’s on his way.’
Emma’s stomach dropped. But she felt his presence move in right behind her, then his voice… God, his voice. It was like smooth, dark chocolate to her ears.
‘I hope you don’t mind my interruption. But I was wondering if I could steal your lovely friend here for a drink?’ He said seductively, placing his hand on Emma’s shoulder.
Her friends all nodded eagerly, not able to say anything. Just as charmed by him as Emma was. Though she was doing her best to not look at him, worried her knickers would go up in flames.
‘May I?’ He asked, moving to Emma’s side into her view, he held his hand out towards her.
She glanced at his gloved hand and decided, why not? As soon as she slipped her hand into his, he wrapped his fingers around her, trapping her, he guided her over to the back where he was sitting.
He was a gentleman, pulling the chair out for her. She hadn’t stopped blushing since she first saw him.
Loki gave her a devilish smile when he pulled his seat round to sit next to her instead of opposite.
‘What’s your name, darling?’ He asked as he rested his arm across the back of her chair. She was hyper sensitive and aware of how close he was to her.
‘I’m Emma. And you?’ She smiled.
‘Emma. Beautiful name.’ He purred. ‘My name is Loki.’
‘Loki? Like the God?’
‘I can be a God if you wish me to be.’ He winked at her, making her blush and giggle.
She wasn’t sure what it was about him that was making her so nervous and giggly. Whether it was his charm or his good looks… Probably both, actually.
The two had some small chat while they had their drinks. Loki bought her another one so they could continue their little chat for longer.
There was still something that Emma couldn’t quite put her finger on. An edgy, dark kind of feeling with the handsome stranger. Unsettling her somewhat.
Emma noticed her friends were about to leave. ‘Oh, I better go. My friends are heading off. It was really nice to meet you, Loki.’
‘It was lovely to meet you, dear Emma. I do think our paths shall cross again. Or I certainly hope so.’ He grinned, pearly white teeth showing. Reminding her of a wild animal.
She didn’t get away until Loki placed a kiss against the back of her hand, making her skin tingle. Then she rushed over to her friends, who tried to get her to stay but she insisted on leaving with them. She gave Loki a small wave when they headed out of the door.
Loki sat back in his chair and licked his lips. He picked up his drink and finished it. But then he was gone in the blink of an eye, his chair empty.
Emma waved at her friends and thanked them for the night when the taxi pulled up at her house. She gave them her share of the fare and made her way up her path to the door.
But a chilling voice behind her made her stop dead.
‘Rather chilly evening, isn’t it Emma?’
She turned around slowly, eyes wide in fear when she saw Loki there. Leaning against her gate. Looking extremely pleased with himself for some reason.
‘L… Loki?’ She gasped.
‘Of course, who else?’ He chuckled and widened his grin.
‘What… what are you doing here?’ She tried to keep herself calm, but her voice betrayed her.
Loki raised an eyebrow in amusement and started taking steps towards her. She slowly tried to back away, hoping to reach her door. But she knew she wouldn’t get it unlocked in time before he would reach her.
‘I simply wanted to come and see you. Is that so wrong?’ He kept moving in towards her, while she kept moving backwards.
‘How do you know where I live? Did you follow me?’ Her voice was high in her fear.
‘I know where everyone lives, darling.’ He smirked.
Emma only blinked and he was suddenly gone. But she then backed into something firm. Spinning around she let out a startled scream, seeing him there instead. But one second ago he had been on front…
‘What are you?’ She cried, backing away again quickly from him. But he did the same, disappeared only to then reappear behind her.
She made a dash for it this time for her door, but her hands were shaking so badly that she dropped the keys. She scrambled to get them, and tried again. She managed eventually to get the key in the lock and then it took her a few more seconds to get it turned and unlocked.
But as soon as she opened the door, Loki was on her. He ushered her through the door and slammed it shut behind them. She was pinned to the wall and his long fingers wrapped around her neck, still with the gloves on.
‘What… What do you want?’ She sobbed with tears streaming down her face.
Loki chuckled darkly and leaned in closer to her, he slid his tongue out and licked her tears right off her cheek. She closed her eyes tightly, hoping and wishing that she was just dreaming.
‘I want you. You taste delectable.’ He hummed and trailed his nose down her neck, inhaling her scent on his way.
‘Please, don’t hurt me.’ She cried, her entire body shaking in fear.
‘Shhh, shhh. Now, why would I want to hurt such a precious little thing? Hmm? You are far too cute to harm. Unless you are a bad girl and misbehave, then I might have to spank you to put you in your place.’ He grinned at her shocked reaction and stroked the side of her neck softly, he could feel her pulse racing in her fear. ���But if you’re a good girl, then you have nothing to worry about.’
‘Why… What are you? Why me?’ She stuttered out quickly, hoping to delay whatever he was planning to do.
‘I am a demon, I can take whatever form I wish. But it’s nice just being myself once in a while… Well, almost myself.’ He smiled.
Emma’s eyes were wide, terrified. If she hadn’t seen him disappearing and reappearing suddenly outside, she wouldn’t have believed him.
‘Would you like to see?’ He asked so casually as if he was just asking if she wanted to see his vinyl collection.
‘No… please. Let me go.’ She begged.
Loki chuckled and took a step backwards, releasing her. But he narrowed his eyes at her. ‘Do not move, unless you want to be in trouble.’ He warned. And somehow, she had a feeling she definitely didn’t want to be in trouble. So she stayed exactly where she was.
‘Good girl. Nice to see you know what’s best.’ He purred.
She watched in horror while he removed his leather gloves, revealing black pointy nails. Then he closed his eyes for a second and two dark green horns grew out of his head, making her eyes widen even more.
But what made him complete, was when a tail appeared from behind him. It was a dark green, like the horns. Long and then a triangle type shape at the end.
Emma’s lower lip started trembling in even more fear now. Especially when he closed in on her again and wrapped his hand around her neck. But his sharp nails pressed slightly into her skin, she didn’t dare move in-case he pierced her skin.
She felt something wrapping around her leg, up to her thigh. She couldn’t look, because of his hand. But she knew it was his tail. It was oddly strong, she could feel the power in it. That made her even more terrified.
Loki looked down and shook his head. ‘Sorry about that… My tail sometimes has a mind of its own.’ He laughed and grabbed it, pulling it away from her he pushed it back behind him, where it hovered up high and flicked around behind him as if angry.
‘But it won’t hurt you. Not unless I want it to.’ Loki assured her, or tried to assure her.
He closed in on her again, but this time his nails went to work on shredding her clothes. She tried to wriggle away, to grab at her clothes that were falling from her body. But Loki’s tail struck out like a snake, wrapping around her wrists they were pinned up above her against the wall. His tail tighter than even his grip could do, almost cutting off circulation and making her cry out in pain.
‘Play nice.’ Loki growled and glanced up at his tail, that softened its hold on her wrists slightly. At least she shouldn’t bruise now. ‘She’s too precious to break.’ Loki trailed his fingers along her forehead.
She couldn’t believe he was having a conversation with his tail. What the hell was going on?
But she soon had other things to worry about than his extra appendage with a mind of its own. As Loki’s hands went to her breasts, he started massaging them gently, flicking his thumb across her nipples and making her gasp, even though she didn’t want to.
‘Please, don’t do this.’ She begged. ‘I have some money I can give you. Please.’ She was really clutching at straws now and she knew it, but anything was worth a try.
‘I am not after your money.’ He chuckled, at least she was trying. He would give her that. ‘I simply want you.’
It was at that moment, that Emma knew she wasn’t getting out of this. His tail wrapped around her entire body and lifted her clean off the floor. She was carried through to her bedroom, Loki seemed happy with himself for having his tail do the heavy lifting.
She was tossed onto the bed, gently. And Loki was over her. His tail took her wrists again, keeping her in place so Loki was free to use his hands to roam all over her delicious body. He paid extra attention to her breasts, suckling on them in turn and nibbling a little.
She kept shaking her head, begging and pleading for him to stop. But her body was already betraying her. Hard nipples, arousal also starting to form between her thighs…
‘No, no, no!’ She cried and thrashed her head back and fore, only to find the tip of his tail soothing her by stroking her hair, while still holding her wrists up.
‘Yes, my darling. I have chosen you for tonight. And there is nothing you can to stop this. So I suggest that you enjoy the ride.’ He chuckled wickedly and suckled on her neck, finding a particularly sweet spot that made her shudder, and he felt it.
‘Now, open your legs for me.’ He purred his demand and tickled down her body with his nails, scratching against her skin on her inner thigh.
‘No.’ She said weakly, almost giving in when he toyed with her nipples with his other hand.
‘Yes!’ Loki urged, lavishing her nipple with his tongue now.
She felt spark after spark shoot straight down to her clit, which was starting to throb and want attention too.
Without truly wanting to… She found her legs slowly parting ever so slightly. But Loki took that advantage and slid his hand down between her, sliding smoothly through her wet folds.
‘That’s my good girl.’ He purred, moving back up to suck and nibble on her neck.
Emma closed her eyes and allowed herself to be taken over by the pleasure. His fingers, even with sharp nails, were gentle and flushed her clit out from its hiding place entirely. He rubbed over it in repeated circles, not changing his pace or rhythm at all. Like a machine.
She just had to spread her legs open even wider for him, earning more praise and kisses on her neck. He had found all of her weak spots now. But when he moved down her body and went down on her with his tongue, she was completely done for. He brought her to orgasm with ease, but it was the best orgasm she had ever had.
So far…
It felt like it tore through her right from her core, spreading all through her body as if it was in her veins. She was sure she had died and gone to heaven.
His tail let go of her wrists and slid down her body, caressing her. It felt like it had millions of vibrating nobs all over it, making her whole body come alive as it didn’t leave much of her skin untouched.
‘He gets a little jealous when I have all the fun.’ Loki grinned, licking his lips as he crawled back up over her.
His tail slid between her thighs and rubbed her back and fore, dragging wonderfully over her clit, making her come again almost instantly. The vibration feeling was delightful, not too strong but not too weak either. It felt like his tail was caressing her clit, encasing it completely as it continued to slide back and fore.
She was brought to a few more orgasms, exhausted and her throat was sore from screaming in so much pleasure. Crying too, but because of how intense and pleasurable it all felt. Even though she knew it was so, so wrong. It also felt so right.
‘I think she’s ready now, don’t have all the fun.’ Loki chastised his tail and smacked it playfully.
His tail ignored him for a bit longer, giving her more pleasure before it reluctantly moved away and took its place behind him again. But it hovered over his shoulder, as if wanting to watch her face. Which the thought was slightly terrifying.
But Emma didn’t have long to dwell over it, because Loki was suddenly inside of her. She never noticed him undressing, but suddenly she had a magnificent, naked, Adonis over the top of her. Sinking deep into her body, in the one place where she didn’t really want him to be, but he was.
And he felt SO GOOD!
His cock filled her up and she was sure she felt him swell inside of her, as if moulding himself to her shape, like they were made to fit together. When he bottomed out inside her the tip of him was pressing deliciously against her cervix. Hitting that deep pleasure point that was like gold at the end of a rainbow.
‘Ohhh, so good. Soo tight.’ Loki moaned and the way he bared his teeth, as his nostrils flared, set something else alight inside of her.
For a demon, he was truly beautiful.
Loki rocked his hips against her, moving just enough for them both to get their pleasure. To build it up slowly, in a delicate way. But when she started to clench around him, even wrapping her legs around his waist, he became more urgent. He slid his arms around her body and held her as close to his chest as he could.
Emma had no idea how he was able to give such deep thrusts, but also stay deeply sated into her, she certainly wasn’t going to complain about it.
His tail swished back and fore behind him, like it was enjoying the show.
When Loki thrust forward, shoving her further up on the bed, his tail started to vibrate tenfold as if coming at the same time as Loki.
Emma felt him fill her up with his seed, making her come too. She milked his cock, squeezing as much as she could out of him. It felt warm, tingly. Fueling her orgasm and heightening it tenfold.
Loki was panting above her, he held her close against him. Not wanting to let her go. He groaned at the last few squeezes she gave him, filling her up with more of his seed.
It was all too much for Emma. She passed out underneath the demon. Truly satisfied in every way.
Loki kissed her forehead and chuckled. ‘Sleep tight, my good girl.’ He whispered.
Emma came around the following afternoon, dazed and confused. She took a few minutes to get herself together again. But she felt a delightful ache between her thighs, she realised it all hadn’t been a dream…
She let out a sob, confused at her feelings. She knew she should’ve been furious, upset, scared… But she found she was only feeling happy, elated, that a demon chose her. The pleasure he brought her was… out of this world. Quite literally.
And the feeling didn’t go away. In-fact, it only became worse.
The days passed and she was hornier than ever. But none of her toys could scratch that itch. One that she knew only a certain demon could scratch.
So one night, she knelt by the window in her bedroom and looked out of it. She closed her eyes and clasped her hands together.
‘Loki… I don’t know if this is how it works… To summon a demon. But I need to try.’ She sighed, pausing for a moment. ‘Please, come back. I beg you… I want you. Please, take me again.’
She couldn’t quite believe she was trying to summon a demon. But a girl has her needs after all.
Thinking it didn’t work, she huffed in annoyance. Her next step was to go on google and see if there was a certain way to summon a demon. But when she stood up and turned around, she screamed and almost jumped out of her skin, hand over her heart.
‘Holy shit! Loki! You scared me!’
Loki was leaning against the doorframe, chuckling at her reaction. ‘Well, you did summon me… Not in the most practical of manners, I must say. But I am flattered none the less.’ He grinned wickedly, knowing exactly what she wanted.
‘I… I did. I uh… Well, I was wondering… If… You want to do it again?’ She stammered, feeling nervous again all of a sudden.
Loki’s grin turned hungry.
‘Ohh, we most definitely do.’ He said, his tail raised up beside him and flicked back and fore in anticipation.
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mingiswow ¡ 6 years ago
03 | Blood Princess
Pairing: RM x reader, OT7 x reader
Genre: Mafia!au
Warnings: kidnapping, mentions of rape, mentions of violence
Word count: 1850 I got a little carried away ops
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A soft chill wind came through the windows and traveled over your body, making the pores bristle and a shiver run down your spine. You slowly opened your eyes, not used to such a bright light in the morning. You looked around still a little dizzy from the sleep not recognizing the place you were. The walls were a light shade of yellow, almost imperceptible. Everything was so clean and neat, the curtains were so white you thought it could hurt your sight. You weren’t used to this. Your previous room - or dungeon as you used to call - was dirty and dark, full of weapons and training equipment, your bed was small and stiff, you couldn’t call that a bed.
You looked over your body and noticed a soft satin camisole adorning it. Your hands fumbled slowly through it, feeling the softness and comfort of the piece of fabric over your body. God, you couldn’t remember the last time you wore something so comfortable.
“Did you liked?” the soft voice woke you up from your thoughts, making you quickly turn your head towards the sound. Namjoon was standing on the room’s door, a tray full of delicious food on his hands. You nodded, your cheeks turning a few shades of pink from the idea of the man changing your clothes and seeing you naked.
He slowly walked towards you, careful after the events of the day before. You were sad but you couldn’t blame him that much, he was a gang leader, a mafia boss, having too many feelings and emotions might make him weak.
He pulled the little tray feet and put it on top of your legs. Your eyes glimmered looking at the food. There was a cup of coffee and another one of orange juice, there was sausages, eggs, fruits, bread, and a croissant.
“I didn’t know what you liked so I just asked for a lot of things. I hope you like them” his voice was soft and careful, his eyes were soft as well. You could notice he was having a hard time struggling to not look at your half covered body. You nodded before whispering a small thank you. You grabbed a piece of sausage and bit, closing your eyes enjoying the delicious taste of it. “The maid said your body was very bruised and hurt when she exchanged your clothes yesterday” you peeked him through the cup of coffee, waiting for him to continue. “I called a doctor to make a few examinations on you if you don’t mind, of course”.
“Excuse me?” he tilted his head at your question, his dimple showing slightly.
“Why are you making all of this to me. I mean, I have no value, nor to you nor to Papa” he sighed at your statement. “I really appreciate. I do. But I feel like I don’t deserve it” you gasped when you felt his body embrace yours. His arms wrapped you tightly, his head on the crook of your neck. You would never admit to yourself that his body intertwined perfectly to yours.
“I’m so sorry of what you’ve been through. Yesterday I was a jerk, ok?! I’m so sorry for it” his hands grabbed the side of your face, making you look him in the eyes. You felt your whole body melt and a heat crawl to your cheeks again. “You are part of BTS now and we’ll treat you like you deserve to be. We are a family bonded by the weirdest and worst situation but we still are one and we should take care of each other as such” his thumb caressed under your eye, cleaning a little tear that fell.
Never in your entire life you’ve been treated like this, like a real person with feelings, emotions, and dilemmas, like a human being. You were so used to be used, to be a weapon, to be a toy that you couldn’t even remember a day someone was nice to you. Even in college you were treated like this, you always felt like everyone knew who you were. But the reality was that you were just a scared little girl, one that lost her family, her life and her innocence too soon.
“Thank you, boss” you managed to say, your voice cracked and low from the tears you were holding.
“You don’t have to call me boss, you call me Namjoon or however you want” he said, a sweet smile playing on his lips, his eyes closing a little from the action.
“You are not like the other I’ve met” you confessed, looking at your lap, your fingers playing with each other. He chuckled and nodded.
“No one in BTS is like the others you’ve met. Our stories have a tough background and we are here for various reasons. We honestly don’t like the violence of the whole thing but we do what we do” you nodded. “Everyone protects everyone more than killing for the sake of it. Well, Jimin kinda likes it and Tae loves burning things, I mean, you get used after a while in this world I guess” his hands reached yours, holding them tight and bringing to his lips, where he left a long soft kiss. “You don’t have to worry with nothing for a while, ok?! Just enjoy your kind of freedom” he said getting on his feet to leave the place. “I’ve got a few clothes for you just until your new ones arrive and don’t come with I don’t need because you do” he smiled seeing right through you. “I’ll leave you now. Have a great breakfast and see you around”.
“Thank you, Joonie” you managed to say before he left, a silly smile playing on both of your lips.
He closed the door behind him, his heart fluttering and the stupid smile on his face. What type of sorcery you had to make him so stupid around you?
“Watch out, Joonie, you might be falling in love” he met a smirking Yoongi, his frame leaned against the wall. “You need to remember why we have her here and don’t get lost in emotions, we don’t have the privilege of it” he warned the friend that cleared his throat and nodded, leaving for his office.
You ate the whole tray smiling, for the first time since you can remember you felt like you belonged somewhere. You felt like people liked and appreciated you.
You left the bed and walked over a rose golden chair that stood in front of a dressing table. The furniture had a pile of clothing, still with the tags on it. Your hands touched the fabric and it was even softer than the silk you were wearing. You wondered who chose those pieces since they were so fancy and beautiful that made you think if Namjoon had a wife or a girlfriend to pick them for you. The thought made you bite your lower lip.
You went to the bathroom, taking the nightgown off your body, the cold fabric making it shiver as the piece slid down pooling on your feet. You stood there for a while wondering if you should take a shower or a bath but since you were so excited to meet everyone properly and explore the house, you decided on a shower.
The tiles on the walls and the floor had beautiful gold details like it was gold marbled. The actual shower was golden and got you wondering if it was actual gold. But judging from the fact it was a mafia leader house, it probably was.
The warm water reached your body and it felt like heaven. So many years showering in freezing cold water made you forget how relaxing was warm water. You forgot about time, you forgot about worries, about Papa or Namjoon. Your mind was focused on the overwhelming sensation of the water and your body hugging each other like it was a classic melody. Your eyes shut and your mouth agape, little moans leaving past your lips. The sensation was too good, almost sensual.
After a while enjoying the feeling, you turned off the shower and grabbing a perfectly fluffy and white towel. You dried your body and wrapped it with the towel, leaving for your room.
You grabbed a black dress with red details on it, sliding onto your body. The piece fitted like a glove, hugging your waist perfectly and accentuating your chest. You saw a pair of red sandals and put them on, admiring your figure in the mirror. For the first time since you earned the infamous nickname, you actually felt like a princess. You were being treated like one, eating and dressing like one.
You left the room, looking around for a familiar face but the hallways were empty. You went down to the first floor, walking around and looking at everything. Your finger gently touching a few things here and there, taking care to not break anything.
“Y/N! You wo… WOAH!” your cheeks got red and you bit your inner cheek to suppress a smile when you saw Jimin and V looking at you from head to toe. “Ya you look fine” he said, a smile playing on his plump lips. You never saw a gang with so many beautiful people. If two of Papa’s men had 10% of their beauty was an overstatement.
“Thank you Jimin” you smiled, nodding your head slightly. “Hm… Do you know where is everyone?”
“They are in Joon’s office” Taehyung answered unbothered, his hands shoved inside the pockets of his Gucci pants. “Do you liked the clothes I chose for you?” you smiled unconsciously, maybe Namjoon didn’t have a girl in his life.
“Yes, thank you so much, V” you twirled playfully, giggling and earning a whistle from Jimin. “But aren’t these expensive? I don’t need that much” you stated looking at the little tag at the bottom of the dress where you could read the words Miu Miu.
“Only the best for our best girl” he winked and you chuckled.
“You guys will turn me into a spoiled girl”.
“It’s what you deserve, Y/N” Jimin answered, snaking his hand on your shoulders and hugging. “Now come, I’ll take you to the all mighty RM” you nodded, giggling at the way he said the words.
He led you through the hallway until you reached a big red wooden door, he pushed it open and you expected to see Namjoon and the boys but you met a beautiful library. The shelves crowded with different books, all colors, sizes, and themes. Your finger ran through some of them, feeling the rough covers of it. They all seemed very expensive and rare.
A title called your attention. The Art of War by Sun Tzu. Your hands went straight to grab the title. The hard red leather cover with gold details seemed so beautiful. When your fingers touched the book to grab it, a secret door opened, revealing a large office.
“I see you have a great taste in literature, miss Choi” Namjoon’s voice greeted you and you smiled to the man, happy to see him again.
taglist: @mydearling​ @girlsloveglitter​
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lydiaandarry ¡ 6 years ago
{The Murder of Alternative Character Design}
Hello there!
    My name is Arabella, but you can call me Arry if easier. You may be looking at the title and feeling a bit confused by it. “The Murder of Alternative Character Design” may be quite a confusing title and leave others wondering what the hell it even means. But that is why I am here to spread awareness about this horrible phenomenon that is going on in recent pop culture. Especially with superheroes. ‘Alternative Character Design’ to me is when a character (usually a superhero) looks different from the traditional standard of the type of character they represent. I can name quite a couple of alternatively dressed superheroes who get made into more traditional wear or boring wear in their live-action debut. So let’s invade the topic!
(The poor costume design recently...)
    I don’t know if you have noticed but the quality of costume design and the importance of comic accuracy has lowered in demand. It seems now like live-action adaptations of a comic book character just throw whatever they can to seem “different” or “out there”. Yet it murders the costume design to begin with. Recently in “Birds of Prey”, one of my favorite DC female characters ‘Black Canary’ has had her main outfit leaked on set. And there are no fishnets to be seen or a bodysuit or anything that represents the character in the comics. I personally love Black Canary for that reason with how different she looks and how she isn’t afraid to wear leather, fishnets and reveal skin, things that could be seen as hooker-ish. She rocks and makes it look stylish and badass. Yet in Birds of Prey, it seems like they went for a more ‘preppy’ approach where nothing about her screams ‘Black Canary’ but perhaps the colors. Even then, black and yellow in DC and especially to non-comic book readers just screams Batman. Netflix recently released a show called “The Umbrella Academy” and I don’t really know much about the comics except that it was created by My Chemical Romance babe Gerard Way who I grew up listening to his music. Even after they broke up. It saddened me to see the complete difference from the comics to the actual live-action adaptation. The art is nearly killed with the inaccuracy as Allison Hargreeves doesn’t have her awesome purple-blue hair. Klaus didn't have his awesome skull shirt, ouija pendant necklace and signature bright orange hair. Diego’s long, blond hair is completely disregarded despite the lack of longer hair on dudes in superhero shows. All of this is disregarded for a more preppy, modern and “up to date” look that kills the character design that made the comics look so different in the first place. And it’s Gerard Way’s creation for crying out loud! He was part of an alternative group! They didn't look nearly as normal as the people in the show look. Even Klaus looks normal compared to how these people used to look. It’s changed for diversity and relatability to other characters but where’s my representation? Where’s my second personality’s representation? And this isn’t just on DC’s end. Marvel does this as well with my favorite X-Men character, Kurt Wagner, a.k.a Nightcrawler. Who seriously wore a Thriller jacket in X-Men Apocalypse. It was the worse outfit I have ever seen on Nightcrawler. Nightcrawler in the comics is basically Gothic. He wears dark clothes, looks kind of scary to the point where people fear him on a daily basis, and has hints of red here and there. The usage of color in Kurt’s design is usually creative and done justice. Now I could understand if they were going for a more X-Men Evolution Kurt but even then, the outfit was better and Kurt is rarely seen as blue in that outfit because when he is blue, it is shown to hardly work with being blue.The colors don’t go well with his skin. Also, his personality is a lot different to X-Men Apocalypse’s but we are talking about character design not writing. And can someone please show Legion FX how to dress punk people? Don’t say David Haller is punk when you hardly dress him as punk.
(Why is this an issue?)
     So, why is this an issue? You may ask me when reading this post. They’re characters, Arry. They aren’t always going to be comic-book accurate. Why are you so upset over all of this? As an artist, to me, character design and clothing choices is just as important as personality. Appearance is the first thing you see of anyone and it can say a lot. You express yourself through your appearance more than you think. When creating a character, I always make sure that I have the character design down pack. It’s my favorite thing to do. I am not against preppier clothing or modernizing things. I understand that this is something that has to be taken into consideration when taking a character and placing them in live-action. There are some things that are too difficult to carry over. But why make a live-action adaptation of something if you are not going to use the version that everyone who reads the comics is familiar with? What’s wrong with having abnormally colored hair? I get that diversity is a hot topic right now and it’s amazing that everyone is getting representation in one way or another. But diversity goes deeper than just skin tone. I have never seen a true alternative like character outside of cartoons that was done right. And I have tons of favorite goth girls in cartoons (Gwen & Crimson from Total Drama, Sam Manson from Danny Phantom, Mandy from The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, Triana Orpheus from Venture Bros, Jinx & Raven from Teen Titans, The Hex Girls from Scooby Doo, Rogue from X-Men Evolution, Joan of Arc from Clone High, Marceline from Adventure Time, Marie from Ed, Edd, and Eddy.) the list goes on. These aren’t characters you see in live-action though. These aren’t female characters that are even considered in live-action or even superheroes for that matter. And comic books are incredible for the reason that you don’t have to conform to normality. You can make any character you want. That’s why we have such unique characters in comic books and even in cartoons. Justice Friends has a colorful witch named Miss Spell and Valhallen is a metalhead. This is one of the many reasons why Neil Gaiman has been picky and harsh over making his Sandman comics into live-action because Sandman features so many subgenres of styles. Goth and punk, mostly. These characters aren’t represented in live-action adaptations. They are forgotten about or normalized. Kurt Wagner is a background character and they still couldn’t dress him how he is in the comics. The Umbrella Academy normalized its characters a lot in clothing choices. And it’s sad. There are people who dress like this and should be able to see themselves in at least one superhero. Kurt Wagner teaches us that not all goths are gloomy and depressed or dangerous. He’s a goth with a pure soul and good heart. Sandman comics make Death and Dream and Delirium seem normal, like they don’t have to change to be liked or good-hearted. They are who they are. The Umbrella Academy basically showed that you could wear abnormal costumes, have colored hair, have longer hair for a dude and still be an awesome superhero. X-Men has tons of abnormally colored hair characters that rarely make it onto the big screen, they are usually brought to small screen like Blink and Polaris in The Gifted. And in Legion FX, the most evil and villainous character is a punk. David Haller is not a good person on Legion nor can he be considered an anti-hero anymore. He is a despicable being with a god complex. Punks already get the bad rep of being dangerous, angry, and mean-spirited. Do we really need a character in mainstream media to be punk while also had killed multiple people and raped his girlfriend? That’s not progressive, that’s moving backwards. Superboy doesn’t even have his leather jacket, leather gloves and black circle sunglasses anymore with his undercut. He’s just narrowed down to a tee shirt and jeans most of the time.
(How can we change this issue?)
     I am not exactly sure. I know it seems kind of lame to like… bring up an issue and then not offer a solution. I feel like the best way to fix this problem is to hopefully notify costume designers that the world is in need of different styles. Their designs are not “out there” or “different”, as the comic book characters designs were already out there and they completely changed them. I am a huge judge when it comes to costume and character designs in live-action adaptations and I may make a post on why that is. I feel like we need to open our eyes to newer looks. To give some representation to those who dress differently from others. The issues that I brought up are already done and over with. Bad representation for punks as evil and villainous. The Umbrella Academy normalized every character, even Klaus. And hopefully Marvel can give us the Nightcrawler that we deserve as Fox no longer has the rights. All we can do is hope that this comic inaccuracy is a pasting phase and that creators will soon give the outcasts a voice and a chance for better representation. To stop being the villains or bad guys.
     This was a short rant that I felt had to be done and I had to explain some issues. I hope you enjoyed my post and agree with some points that I made. If you have any questions on the matter, feel free to message me. If you like this post and want to see more like this, feel free to follow our Tumblr! And if you liked the post, feel free to reblog and like. I post every Wednesday and Saturday! I will see you on Wednesday. Peace out!
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shaunasshipman ¡ 6 years ago
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summary: “I think we’re all going to have do some pretty terrible things,” Eddie said quietly. His hand came to wrap in Richie’s shirt, trying to burn out the violent grip of his father’s from earlier. “None of us have a choice in anything anymore. Whatever happened at Greta’s tonight-“ Eddie’s voice broke and he felt Richie press a kiss into his hair. “There isn’t a good and a bad anymore. There’s just die or don’t.”
[or: after the gruesome murder of his younger brother, Bill Denbrough is determined to bring about the end of the string of crimes in Derry no matter the cost. As stories unwind and fall apart, there’s only more questions as everybody’s lives hang in the balance.]
chapter count: 12/21
chapter warnings: mentions of past character death, vague notions of rape
Taglist: @honkhonkrichard @hufflepuffkaspbrak @emmieliabedelia @reddie-for-anything @wowdidiask @reddiesetrichie @beepbeepbitchard@lemonadeandrice @mirandonsky @vanilluna @mqlvaa @fivxharmony
[Prologue] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [Read Full Story on AO3] [Playlist]
To say it had been a tense week for the town of Derry would have been a understatement. Despite how obvious it was that people been talking, everything seemed to have been brought down the whole town. Zachary Denbrough had very quickly bailed his son out of jail the night of Greta’s party, bringing him his slight freedom under house arrest until a trial could be set up. Sheriff Bowers had chosen not to post bail for his son, likely to avoid public outcry, and nobody had seen Eddie Kaspbrak or Richie Tozier since they’d left Greta’s party that night. There were rumours that couldn’t be traced back to a source that they were shacking up in Frank Kaspbrak’s apartment, but it likely just a story set out to put Sonia Kaspbrak’s neurotic tendencies at ease as much as possible about her missing child.
Ben Hanscom had kept his head down as much as possible this past week, ignoring all texts and messages from Aurora and Mike. They had texted him about their trip to Shawshank, claiming they’d found out something important. Ben always stopped reading before the texts could reveal what the information was. He knew that the reporter instincts in his blood would force him to drive forward with whatever Mike and Aurora had found, and his survival instincts couldn’t let that happen.
So, things hadn’t calmed down in Derry, they had halted to a stand still with all citizens afraid to move in any direction. This was more than just murders now, Janie Tozier had been kidnapped and held captive for over seven months according to the whispers. The number of kids that would be in years Derry High graduating class was getting lower and lower as the weeks went by, conservative north side parents even considering pulling their children from school altogether. It seemed to mean little to everyone that Henry Bowers was behind bars, liking to be charged on all the counts of murder. Henry opening fire at Gre,ta’s party was a barely acknowledge blimp on everybody’s minds, nobody slowing to think that Henry was smart enough to have pulled off the crimes of the decade. Greta Bowie and Audra Phillips’ murders were a terrible tragedy, a mere coincidence, a sadness for the whole community. If anything was truly remembered about that night it was Bill Denbrough, a scuffle for the gun and Victor Criss hitting the floor.
Ben once loved fifth period English Lit, but now it felt like a cursed place to be. All he could think about was the feeling of Mike Hanlon staring into the back of the head, or how Beverly Marsh’s presence seemed to fill the whole room from her seat in the back corner. They’d started a new book just the week before, but Ben hadn’t even opened the cover outside of pretending to read along in class. There was a sick feeling of apprehension in his stomach that he couldn’t trace back to a source, it could be that he’d thought he’d seen Richie Tozier’s messy mop of hair in the halls that morning or could simply be a new intense development in the anxiety he’d already been feeling constantly since the night of Greta’s party.
The classroom door bounced open, Sheriff Bowers marching in with a deep smirk and unsure looking deputy by his side. “Mr Campbell, I need to borrow one of your students for questioning.”
Before Mr Campbell could so much as open his mouth, Beverly Marsh was pushing her seat out from behind the desk and standing. Every eye in the classroom was drawn to her as she took one deep breath and her shoulders shook. “It’s okay, everybody knows anyway. You’re here for me.”
Beverly pressed her wrists together and held them outwards. A very hushed whisper rang through the room of students as Bowers grin came to burn twelve volts higher and brighter than anybody had ever seen.
“Well, hey now, Miss Marsh,” the deputy twanged awkwardly. “We don’t be needing to do that, we can just…”
“No.” Beverly said seriously. “It’s okay. I’m guilty.”
As Bowers lead Beverly out in handcuffs that she knew from experience were too tightly bound, her eyes trailed through the mostly empty halls until they fell onto Eddie and Richie. Her stomach coiled at the sight of them.
Richie’s curls were greasy and matted to his eyes, the skin under his eyes purple and swelling with exhaustion. He was wearing clothes that had to have been a size, if not two, too large and no Devil jacket in sight. His face was sheet white, and Eddie didn’t look up much. His clothes were rumbled and his usually perfectly styled hair was flat against his forehead.
Richie was up against the lockers, with Eddie crouched in front of him with his hands resting on Richie’s knees. They’d been resting with their faces close together, but the disruption of Beverly being lead into the halls had them both scrambling to their feet.
“Don’t worry about it,” Beverly was telling Richie the moment he began to move towards her. She’d only seen that sort of look in Richie Toziers’ eyes a handful of times. “Seriously, Rich, it’s not-“
The sound of another door opening, followed by a unsteady foot steps and grunting, caught the eye of every other person standing in the hall. A struggling Stanley Uris was yanked out of his second period math class, and Beverly felt her stomach drop into the bottoms of her feet. Bowers immediately shoved at Beverly to move her out of the school. “Richie, call your mom!” Beverly called over her shoulder. “Call Maggie!”
Richie watched his friends get hauled from the building, mouth gaping and Eddie’s hand heavy in his own.
“How many times do I have to teach you this lesson old man?” Beverly rolled her eyes, leaning back in the chair at the interrogation table. “You can’t question me without my parents here. I know my rights.”
“Good thing your parents are dead, then, isn’t it?” Bowers replied, sipping lightly at his bottle of coke. He was the picture of confidence, feet up on the table and chair resting on two legs.
“It is,” Beverly replied cheerly. “Because that means you have to wait for Went or Maggie. Isn’t that just perfect?”
“Or I could just shackle you down with some shitty ass defense attorney.” Bowers countered, grinning at her. “Nothin’ would make me happier.”
“I didn’t ask for a lawyer,” Beverly twiddled her thumbs with her cuffed hands. “I asked for my guardians. Are you going to deny a minor her request to see her legal guardians?”
Bowers dropped his feet down to the floor and leaned towards Bev on his elbows. “You think they’re going to want to help you, Marsh? After what I’ve brought you in here for? Killing their precious little girl?”
“I didn’t kill Janie,” Beverly said with an eyeroll.
“And yet you told me you were guilty,” Bowers replied with a smirk and an eyeroll. He leaned forward on the table, his and Bev faces now so close if either shifted even slightly their noses would brush. Bev raised her brow. “Why confess if you stand by being innocent?”
“I am guilty- guilty of killing my father,” Beverly said. “That’s the crime you’ve wanted to get me with this whole time, isn’t it? That’s what you wanted to hear? That I hit him over the head with the back of the toilet and he died? That you were right this whole time?”
Bowers’ eyes danced and he licked at his bottom lip. “I’m going to get you on a lot more than some six year old murder charge, Marsh. We know that Janie was being held in the old house on Neibolt, we’ve got your and Uris’ foot prints all through the backyard. You were there the night she died, your DNA is all over the place in that house. You’re still going to look me in the eye and say you had nothing to do with her murder?”
Beverly steeled herself, staring the sheriff down despite her pounding heart. “You’ve got my DNA in the house I spent the first eleven years of my life living in? I’m sure that’s really gonna stand up in court.”
“No jury is going to let you walk away twice, Marsh.” Bowers growled. “You already got your miracle.”
“They will if your evidence is as weak as it was last time,” Beverly scoffed. “I have no proof but I know in my gut that she did it, is not really beyond a shadow of a doubt, Sheriff.”
“I was right, wasn’t I?” Bowers grinned. “You just told me I was. And I’m right about this.” Beverly narrowed her eyes, saying nothing. “I’m not sure about Uris though, he’s been a thorn in my side since he was knee high but he doesn’t really shake me as the murder’s accomplice type.”
Beverly scoffed and shook her head, tapping her fingers against the metal table. Before Beverly had the chance to form a response- whether in defense or damnation of Stanley Uris, she hadn’t decided yet- when the door to the interrogation room smashed open.
Maggie Tozier took only two strides through the room before she stood above Sheriff Bowers at the table. Her hair fell perfectly to her shoulders, not a single strand out of place and her Devils jacket looked as though it were custom made to fit her body. Her son stood behind her, loitering in the door way and looking like the perfect picture of her opposite. His hair was still flat and frazed, his posture stiff and fidgeting with his jacket as though he were thirty seconds away from ripping it off and tossing it away. Beverly hadn’t seen Richie Tozier looking so uncomfortable in his own skin since the night Janie went missing, and Wentworth showed him it was time to begin his true life.  
“Interviewing minors without their guardians present again, Oscar?” Maggie said, voice high and angelic. “Just because your son is currently sitting in lock up doesn’t mean you have free range with everybody elses’ children.”
“His son is on his way to the Shawshank,” Richie said, leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed cockily. “And we all know what happens to crazy bastards up in the Shank. I give ‘em six months. Tops.”
“My son is no Robert Gray, Tozier.” Bowers growled, all attention moved from dragging damaging information out of Beverly to the two Toziers standing in front of him.
“You’re so sure about that?” Richie challenged, the look of dancing chaos returning to his face. “Personally? I’m not, he’s always been one unhinged mother fuck-“
“Enough.” Maggie cut across her son with distaste. “You have nothing to hold these children on, and you know it. Footprints? Potentially old DNA? You’ve botched your investigation by jumping the gun like you always do.”
“I’ve got her confessing to one murder already and I-“
Maggie leaned forward, resting a hand on the table and pushing her face towards Bowers. “You have nothing. Nothing Beverly has told you will stand up anywhere, because I will make damn sure everybody knows you dragged it out a minor without a lawyer or a guardian present.”
“Not that it matters,” Richie pitched in, looking tired and drained once again. “What, Bev told you that she killed her dad? You already tried her on that shit, you can’t do it again. Fucking double jeopardy, bitch.” Maggie and Bowers both turned to stare at Richie, Bowers in shock and Maggie looking proud of her son for what might have been the first time in the years that Beverly had known them. Richie shrugged slightly. 'What? I know things.”
Maggie turned back to Bowers, almost grinning. “I think it is in your best interest right now to uncuff my goddaughter and conduct an actual, legal investigation of my daughter’s murder.”
Bowers wasted little time uncuffing Beverly, who slinked behind the two Toziers as they emerged from the room. Eddie Kaspbrak was sitting beside an angry looking Stanley Uris in the waiting area and immediately jumped to his feet at the sight of Richie. Richie, looking ready to pass out on his own two feet, held out an arm as Eddie collided with his side. Startled, Beverly turned to look at Stanley but found her best friend stubbornly avoiding her eye.
“Out the back,” Maggie said, paying no attention her son or the boy he was clinging to. “We have people waiting on us.”
Exhaling hard, Beverly followed the group out of the station with her eyes glued on the her feet. Richie was standing beside her, but there was distance there that had never been before. Not just a physical one, though that was well, but an emotional one. A spiritual one. As though their souls had once been touching, and she could no longer feel his.
Wentworth Tozier was standing just outside the back exit with Patty Blum and Patrick Hockstetter. Beverly’s stomach churned at the sight of the last standing member of Herny Bowers’ gang, gut still unsure how he managed to walk away from the party at Greta’s house with his future and reputation still intact. They all stood tall and proud in their slick jackets, but Patty quickly moved from Wentworth’s side to speak quietly to Stanley.
Eddie and Richie stood with their arms still tight around one another, both looking at Wentworth with very levels of fear and mistrust. “Uris. Marsh. Care to explain yourselves?”
Beverly sighed and squeezed her eyes shut. “I went back to get photos my father had taken of me. When he was… you know, and I… I burned them, I just didn’t want them to link me to anything. Stan went with me because I asked him to, he has nothing to do with any of this.”
“Why was it suddenly so important that you get rid of them?” Patty asked. She stood so close to Stan that their hands were brushing. “What needed to be covered up that didn’t matter before? You have to admit, it’s kind of fucked up, Bev.”
“I know,” Beverly said softly. “I can’t explain it any better than I just did. I just… had a feeling that I needed to get those photos or it would be bad. I didn’t… I didn’t have anything to do with Janie’s death.”
“I wish we could believe that, Beverly, but Derry coincidences just don’t exist.” Maggie said, fiddling with her switchblade as Beverly’s heart rate skyrocketed. “Of course, we couldn’t leave this in the hands of Bowers’, he’s been overexcited and quick to run out of steam since high school. We Devils take care of our own problems, always have.”
Beverly looked around at her friends, only find Stan and Patty jerked their eyes away the moment contact was made. Patrick leaning against the brick wall and grinning at her. Eddie looking up at her from under Richie’s arm with what might have been a sympathetic look, but Richie just looking right through her as though she were some simple stranger he’d never met before.
“I think you know how this works, Beverly.” Wentworth gestured towards the black SUV sitting in the parking lot. Beverly whimpered and stepped backwards, just to collide with Patrick who held her still. Stan and Patty were already walking past her towards the vehicle, while Richie had leaned to whisper in Eddie’s ear.
Maggie turned to her son, her last living child, as Beverly felt herself started to be guided away. “You coming with us, Richard?” Richie shook his head, arm tightening around Eddie’s shoulders. Eddie squeezed at Richie’s shoulder and Beverly couldn’t help but frown in confusion.
Maggie sighed. “Very well, but you know you must be there. There are rules and we cannot make a final decision without you. We’ll be starting in forty five minutes, get your personal feelings under control before then. This is no time for your childish whims. It’s time for you to step up and be the leader you were born to be.”
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emergenciesstory ¡ 7 years ago
Super Secrets - Part 2
Warnings this chapter: physical abuse (no details just conditioned reactions), panicking, anxiety, mentions of rape
Chapter Summary: Reader decided that maybe being part of the team wouldn’t be a bad idea. Showing up for introductions was the first step to their forever.
A/N: Sorry these are long, I have just been working on this so long and in my depressive state spent some time editing them... Please comment, like, whatever, kind of losing inspiration in this one..
Italics are signed, blockquote is flashback
Super Secrets Masterlist
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A few weeks later, it was early morning and your room was destroyed. Clothes littered every surface of the small bedroom, you standing in the on suite bathroom, staring at your reflection. A knock on your door, brought you back to reality, and you glanced at the clock, right on time. Quickly crossing through the tiny apartment, you swung it open, Steve smiling at you from the other side, holding out your favorite coffee.
“You shouldn’t have.” You teased, snatching it from him. Leaving the door open for him, you walked back to the bedroom to finish getting ready. Picking up clothes, you looked for your favorite boots to complete the ensemble, a simple black shirt and pair of your favorite jeans. Quickly putting them away, You saw the boots sitting in the corner by the bathroom. Pulling them on, you unplugged your hairdryer from the on-suite and looked around the bedroom. Steve was smiling from the doorway, holding your favorite cardigan.
“Let’s not show up completely matching, huh?” His smirk was intoxicating, and his knowledge of your softest sweater was something you’d miss if he wasn’t there.
“Am I not allowed to mimic the impressive Captain America, Stevie?” you taunted, letting him help you slide it on.
“Maybe not with this audience, Y/N/N.” he mused, nervousness lacing his voice. He took your hand and you walked out of the apartment, locking the multiple deadbolts on your door.
It was a short walk to the Tower, an iconic structure in the New York Skyline. While Steve was recognizable, even with the ballcap, either these people were used to seeing him here, or not very observant. Either way, you were thankful for his hand on your waist as you moved through the crowds of people.  Walking in, Steve led you through the lobby, saying hello to the guards as he pushed you both past the metal detectors. You slid into an Elevator, moving up without any buttons or indications of where to go.
“Hey,” Steve lifted your chin so you’d look up at him. “Don’t be intimidated. I won’t let anything happen to you. You’re safe here.” He gave you a reassuring smile, returning the weak one you provided.
In the six years you and Steve had been training, Steve had been overly patient with you. It was hard to let anyone in after what happened leading you to the gym, but Steve never pried for information. You became inseparable, and one night, you had told him everything about your past. Steve listened as you told him about the death of your parents, how someone you trusted raped you, and how you struggled in an abusive relationship. Steve had helped you get away, putting his own name on a lease so you could disappear and helping you build a life. He helped you focus the negative energy into your fighting, even more so after failed therapy, but that didn’t change how you cowered and stayed silent in the presence of other Males.
              “Well, this is quite a sight.” The voice snapped you back to reality, Steve holding you close to his body. You looked at the source of the voice, the elevator doors open now to a group of people, waiting to get on. The voice came from a man who immediately flashed you a grin. He seemed confident with himself, headset in one ear and tablet in his hand, barely looking at the screen as he typed and swiped.
“Tony Stark. You must be Y/N.” He extended his hand stepping closer, and you looked between his hand and your own shaking ones, clutched tightly into fists pulling your sleeves. He pulled his hand back and smiled softly, nodding at you instead and accepting your head tilt as greeting enough. He stepped into the elevator and in followed a familiar face behind him. You looked up at the last man, giving a broad smile to him.
“Hey, Doll face. Glad to see you again.” Bucky clapped a hand on Steve’s back and the Elevator doors shut again, leaving the rest of the group of people waiting. When you began working with Steve, you quickly met his shadow and other half, Bucky. Steve’s admiration of his best friend had brought you around to feeling comfortable in his presence quickly, and the three of you would often do things together like movies, working out, or just hanging out in your apartment. You’d never guess just how soft and quiet James Barnes actually was, but Bucky took his time getting close to you.
“I hope it’s okay, I brought a friend. I think you’d like him.” Steve finished tying his shoes before helping you up from where you were stretching on the mat.
“Stevie I don’t know..” you bit your lip slightly, wringing your hands together.
“Just, work out with us, if you’re uncomfortable he’ll go work out alone, no harm no foul. I’m right here.”
“Okay. I trust you.” Wrapping your arms around yourself, you stood while Steve retrieved his friend. The man that followed behind him was larger than he was, wearing dark clothes with long hair covering his face. As he got closer, you could feel yourself shaking, your feet moving on autopilot backwards. One step too far, your feet flew out from under you as you toppled off the mat, no longer able to control the panic. Steve was quickly beside you and the man backed away quickly, fear racing through his eyes.
“Shhh, it’s okay. I promise nothing’s going to happen,” Steve soothed. Holding you and whispering, no one moved until you were quiet. Looking back up to the mat, you saw the man sitting cross legged on the other side of the mat, watching.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m James, James Barnes. But you can call me Bucky.” His eyes met yours, soft and questioning.
“Y/n.” You whispered. “And it’s okay.”
You and Bucky became friends faster than you and Steve, Bucky being timid around you and waiting till you were ready before touching you or letting his arm be seen. Soon enough, you were both comfortable in each other’s presence.
The elevator was silent as the four of you rode upwards, you between the two super soldiers, with the genius between you and the door. When it opened, it revealed a bustling floor of offices and people, all following the instruction of one Woman in the middle.
“Welcome to SHIELD. A secret Government Agency which runs with the Avengers.” Steve spoke quietly in your ear, pulling you closer when he saw you fidgeting with the hem of your cardigan. “Come on, the Director is waiting for us.”
              Steve lead you into a conference room that was empty, aside from two sofas, some chairs, and a table, and you both sat on a couch in the corner. Slowly the rest of the team Steve had told you about gathered in small groups. First came Tony, Bucky, Nat, and Clint. Bruce and Thor followed shortly after, all settling in while maintaining their conversations. Wanda strode in last, typing on a tablet quickly. Steve sat beside you, his arm around the back of the couch, giving you plenty of room to pull into him if you needed, while most others sat on the larger couch, draping over each other comfortably. These were some of the deadliest people on the planet, The Avengers were capable of anything, but Steve felt there was no safer place for you, like this was home. Fury walked in and the room silenced.
“Everyone, this is Y/N Y/L/N. They are a new asset to this team. Training and schedule will be conducted and supervised by Rogers. Everything else normal. Dismissed.”
He walked out as quickly as he had walked in, Depositing a SHIELD duffle on the table in the center of the room.
“Well, I guess introductions are left to me.” Steve straightened up, but you placed a hand on his leg, directing his attention to you.
“Actually, I, I think I can introduce myself.” Dang your Stutter, hopefully you would make it through this. Steve’s hand moved to your back, rubbing circles as you took a breath before continuing. “I, I am familiar with all of you, names, your specialties, how you came to become the Avengers. I’m inspired and honored to be asked to be here. I’m Y/N. I’ve been boxing and sparring with Steve for six years now. No family, nothing to lose. I want, I hope to get to know each of you.” You took a deep breath when you finished, having rushed through most of that to get it out. It took a lot to open up like that, but you trusted Steve’s intuition.
“We are your family now, Doll. And I speak for us all when I say, Welcome to the Crazy.” Laughs rang out from Bucky’s comment, as well as pagers going off around the room. Tony and Bruce looked at each other before Bruce gave you an apologetic smile.
“Lab work. It’s a pleasure, Y/n. Off we run.”
Nat and Clint were signing back and forth quickly, probably unaware they weren’t the only fluent ones in the room. Steve cleared his throat, catching their attention.
“You may want to know that you aren’t the only ones in that conversation.” A blush spread across your face as you looked down embarrassed. Clint kneeled in front of you, signing.
Nice to know I’m not stuck only talking to Natalia in secret. His emphasis on her full proper name got a slap to the back of his head from her as he winked at you.
“Nice to meet you, but duty calls. See you at Movie night?” Nat asked. You looked at Steve curiously.
“We’ll be there.” he nodded, before the pair turned and ran out.
Bucky stood silently to follow the pair, squeezing your hand as he left.
“Lady Y/n, a pleasure! I’d like to stay and chat, but my brother, Loki, and I were in the middle of a family matter. Please excuse me.” And with a nod at Steve, he left as well, leaving the three of you.
“I apologize for the absence of Vision. He has been away, but should be back later today,” Wanda was quiet, but her smile was warm.
“That’s not your fault. But thank you. You’re Wanda Maximoff, right? Scarlett Witch. Your control is, amazing. I wish I knew your secret.”
“Perhaps I can teach you.”
You never had an issue around women and Wanda, though powerful, was electric and her positive energy was infectious.
“May I show you around the tower?” Another smile was exchanged before you both stood up.
“Well, I can tell when I’m not wanted. Y/n, let me know if you need me.” Steve leaned in placing a kiss on your forehead. “I’ll take your gear to your room.”
“Thanks, Stevie.”
Wanda’s eyebrow shot up, but she said nothing.
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